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Show I DEnKQYFRENCHEQPSblJRCES i4 4 bb(i A? s . HEN the Hermans re- treated frora long held t &c positions In ' Northern svis France they girdled ev-$SJlJ? ev-$SJlJ? erv fruit tree that time JW'$S ' Per,nltte1' Here Is WY v yond chance , of the kH'3jr tree's surviving unless ei5 first aid measures were quickly adopted. In many cases the advancing French troops brought the first aid material and sometimes succeeded suc-ceeded In saving the trees. Where the tree was absolutely cut down as hundreds hun-dreds were there was, of course, no relief measure to employ. Members of the D. S. Food Administration brought this picture to America. Early Ear-ly in the war the German government govern-ment Intro-luced a policy of strict food conseiTatlon at home and has endeavored to curtail In every possible possi-ble manner the French and English 8upiily. D boat warfare and destruction destruc-tion of farming property are parts of the same campaign. America is today Hie great larder of the allied nations. Out of our food storks we must save enough to feed our European associates Id this war. |