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Show WHY WOMfN DO NOT IKRY. Some of 011 1 exchanges arc tiding to tell "vvlii moie women do not mari." 1'eisonally wo do not know ,mj thing about It, and vvo IhMIcvo that thn av-ciage av-ciage edltoi doesn't know any mine about it than we do. We once heaid the Hon. L. L. Carpenter, I). I), saj-"Woman saj-"Woman Is.i female man," but though this bo a fact, we do not believe that the avenge male man, and especiallj the edltoi, who never has time to devote de-vote to .nothing but business, can saj with any degiee of ceitaintj "whj more women do not many." A woman's wo-man's icason for doing or not doing a tiling is about as haul to get at as the pocket In her last j ear's brown dress, and that nnj tiling that wears galluses audhipihts tobacco Juice through a ?iovvth of whiskers should attempt to eason fiomawoman'sstaudpoint Is as liitllcious as It Is sj in pathetic. Kipling Kip-ling once spoko of a woman as "a rag, a bone, nnd a hank of hull" and how little idling knows nlxnit it we know from experience. We well lemcmber attain niasijuorado in which we made oursolf Into "a rag, a bone, and a hank of hair," plus a corset and a bustle, and aie willing to Mvc.ir by the shades of the Immortal George W. that wc didn't feci a bit like a woman, nor even a female man, and are certain cer-tain that tlicrc wasn't a male man in tlic house that didn't discover tlic deception de-ception within live minutes after he began to squeeze our hand. Why don't more women marry and when they do why don't they make better selections? selec-tions? Let the women themselves answer an-swer and then ion won't know anything any-thing about it. A woman will get six men on the string and then pick tho worst in the lot with the same readiness readi-ness tliat the victim of a shell game picks up the wiong shell; nnd usually witli more serious results. "Woman is an unfathomable article from the bottom bot-tom of her rainy-day skirt to the top of her alabaster brow and tho average editor had better not. puzzle his brain about her whys and wherefoies. |