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Show Trouble with the Democrats. On the 29th of July, tnlklng nt Bar Harbor to a Now York World man, William C. Whitney, for many years ono of tho most conspicuous members of tho Democratic party, declared his Intention of staying out of politics forovcr, and added: "Tho troublo Is that tho Democrats have no Ibbuo and no man." , That la the exact situation of the Democratic party to-day, simply and solely becauso of tho five years of un-equaled un-equaled prosperity that have followed tho restoration of tho Republican party to tho control of natioual affairs. af-fairs. No mau knows this bettor than doea President Cleveland's boc-rotary boc-rotary of tho navy. Few men havo better reason for knowing It, for few Indeed havo profited moro sumptuously than William Wil-liam C. Whitney has in thoso flvo years of protection prosperity. It Is becauso of tho splendid Issue Prosperityupon Pros-perityupon which tho Republicans stand boforo tho country that Mr. Whitney says "tho Democrats havo no Issue." |