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Show Shah Not Ideal Guest :M Despotic Ruler of Persia Shocks His Entertainers ' . in London. H ,nf7HE recent visit of tho Shah I 1 of Persia to London was not n entirely an unmixed pleasuro lKtW to his entcrtnlnors. Although Muzafor cd Din Is a man of considerable education, his views rogardlng Western civilization aro In somo respects almost as primitive primi-tive as thoso with which his father so shocked London. Ho was not present at tho iecctton In his honor ghen by lxjrd and Lady Lnnsdowno and by Mrs. D'Arey, but upon another social occasion he permitted his eyes to rest admiringly on tho beautiful wlfo of a certain poor, whom ho drew Into tho corner nnd astonished by wi extraordinary proposition. Tho story, which Is only whispered here, Is that tho Shah Intimated his deslro to Increase tho hIzo of his harora In honor of this lady, and If tho peer wna agreeable his Grand Vizier would call nround with a pecuniary pe-cuniary consideration said to amount to 30,000. Tho peer, with humor oqual to his diplomacy. Is said to havo regretted that ho could not honestly mako the deal, as tho lady was af-illctd af-illctd with homicidal mania! Whon this story got nbroad London society was qulto willing to bo relieved re-lieved of tho responsibility of entertaining enter-taining Muzafer cd Din. I'rlnco Arthur Ar-thur of Connnught, to whom ho was thereafter Intrusted, Immediately "cut out" tho remaining progi amine of sorlous sightseeing, and headed tho Snali for tho circus. Probably no English child ever moro enjoyed his visit to tho Hippo-dromo Hippo-dromo thnn did this roynl Indy-klllor. Ho wolcomed tho Inrk, tnklng off most of tho 13,500,000 worth of Jewels with which ho had dazzled tho eyes of society, so-ciety, and exhibiting an almost democratic demo-cratic plainness of nttlro. With bulging bulg-ing oyes ho watched tno great spec-taclo spec-taclo of tho programme At tho critical criti-cal moment, when a conch and four and a party of bandits are crossing The Shah of Persia, the brldgo, tho dynamlto goes off with a terrific crash, and tne bridge with all Kb occupants topples Into the seething torrent. Muzafor ed Din applauded ap-plauded llko a BChoolboy. He told the Prlnco that such a spectacle as this must convlnco any ono that England Eng-land la a great country. Taking his cuo from tho success of this effort tonmuso tho Persian guest, Prince Arthur next took him to Maxim's Max-im's gun establishment. Muzafer cd Din was nearly scared to death at first by tho rattling crnsh o'f tho machine ma-chine guiiB fired for ills nmuscment. But before ho left ho swung IiIb royal person Into tho Baddlo and fired a round of twelvo cartrIdgo3 with his own bands. His oyes sparkled and hU hands trembled with oxcltemcnt. Ordlnnrlly ho Is rather a solemn old chap, but with any ono who do-slrea do-slrea to mako his eyes twlnklo with amusement has only to provide tricks Wanted Addition to His Harem, for children. At tho Hlppodromo, oven ov-en moro than tho bandit drama, t'io Bight of hla own portrait thrown on a screen pleased him. At first ho tried to prescrvo his dignity by holding hold-ing his hand before his faco to conceal con-ceal hla merriment, but, seeing I'rlnco Arthur beatdo ilm laughing without n raro about whnt veoplo would think, Muzafor cd Din gavo himself up to unrestrained uinusemont. Ills suite won astonblied. Thoy chatted with eah other oxcltodly, us though doubting tho ovldcnco of their nca. Lolo Fuller, tho dancer, had th "Sl distinguished honor of being summon- ' cd to drlvo ennui from tho presence H of Muzafer cd Din. Sho pcrformc6 ' H the Eerpcntino danco, In which rather H extraordinary effects aro produced .' with tho aid of electric bulbs cun- 'H nlngly concealed In her draperies. H Tho shah was not satisfied with the H nrtlstlc result alone. With childish curiosity he Insisted on Investigating H tho mechanism that produced tho H Ho questioned tho dancer closely, H nnd still unsatisfied, took folds of her H skirts In his hands nnd boldly fum- H Searched Lole Fuller's Draperies. H bled among thorn until Miss Fuller H became Indignant and cut short tho H Muzafer cd Din showed while Is H London thnt ho has not lost tho tasto H for "ragtlmo" music, which ho acqulr- H cd whllo listening to American gra- H phophonos In Berlin a fow weeks age. H Ho has purchased several of th H machines, which are primed to go oK H on a hair trlggor whenever his majos- H ty hungers for "Thoso Goo Goo Eye H Ono of thcso Instruments Is mat-i tlplcx grand, as high as a PuIImaa. car and with tho volume of a ehnroal H organ. In Its ropertory was a ear-' H tain Wngncr arrangement, which, tho H shah sternly tabooed in favor at an! B unbroken succession of "ragtime". H tunes. As ho hoard thcso tunes every H whero in Europe tho graphophoned H he takes hack to Persia will long H serve to koep awake all the inomorica, -H of his visit he cares to preserve. H |