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Show HEMEDY FOR WRITER'S CRAM? Various Ways of Overcoming Common Inconvenience. What an annoyance It Is to spread all your writing materials out and settle set-tle down to n whole afternoon of letter let-ter writing, only to find after half an hour that you have tho writer's cramp. After the first letter or two you 'give it up In despair, and the friends who nro waiting for letters aie disappointed. disap-pointed. This writer's cramp Is a serious matter mat-ter to people whoso work requires that they use n pen very much, whllo for tho unaccustomed writer who takes an afternoon off now and then . to catch up with her correspondence it Is, to say tho leant, very discouraging. The troublo Is moro than muscular In this kind of cramp. Very often n low nervous condition will cause It. Then I ono should tako It as a warning that the system is run down and needs general gen-eral toning up. Very often, however, I tho troublo Is In tho way you hold your pen. I Children now lu school are not likely like-ly to be tumbled with wrlter'B cramp, because they aro being taught to hold the pen lightly and make all tho movements fiom tho arm instead of tho hand. Tho old-fashioned method meth-od which most of us lenrned, of holding hold-ing the pen between tho thumb and forefinger to also very likely to en- 1 courage a cramp. T-lie muscles become be-come tense and hnrd, until finally they contract ho much that all control over them Is lost. Tho pen should be held between the two first fingers, well up toward the Joint. Tho trouble may often bo relieved by putting the hand and wrist Into tho hottest water ono can Btand. |