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Show FINGERS OF VARIOUS VALUES. Thumb It Easily the Most Important of the Digits. You have only to giasp a pen or a tool of some sort to leallze that tho different Angers are far fiom having the same value with lefeience to their usefulness In pei forming woik. Much' the most Important Is the thumb, for wlthouj. It prehension would bo very Imperfect. The hand Is no longer pincers, pin-cers, hut merely a claw, when deprived of the thumb. It may bo estimated that tho thumb tepicsents fully a third of the total value of the hand. The total loss of the thumb Is estimated esti-mated by competent nuthoiltlcs as 1C to 35 per cent, for tho light and 10 to 15 per cent, for tho left hand, except for workers in art, when 40 to 50 for tho right and 25 to 40 per cent, for tho loft hand comes nearer tho value. The total loss of tho index finger causes an Incapacity estimated at from 15 to 25 pur cent, for the right hand anil 10 to 15 per cent, for tho left. Tho middle finger Is less impor tant than the index. The ring finger, is least Important, and the little finger may be compaied to Its neighbor, except ex-cept In tho professions In which it serves as a point of support for tho hand. |