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Show I Reductions In I GROCERIES R AT I H.6.HAYBALL I MERCANTILE CO. Hi H. UCans Utah Tomatoes $1 00 H, 11 cans Hcst Corn.. 100 V 11 Can) Early June Teas 100 H oUansStringllleans 100 H' U Cans (lest. Salmon ' 1 00 H; 12CansSaponlfer Lye ,.. 100 H' 12 Cans Powdered Lye 100 H 10 Pkgs Zest (samo as Force). ., . 1 00 H 8 Pkgs Seeded Raisins 100 H 8 Pkgs Cleaned Currants 100 M 10 Pkgs Wheat Uerrles 1 00 H- ;i Pkgs Best Corn Starch 2.1c H a'Pkgs Gloss Starch 25c H' 20 lbs Beans 1 00 ir. lbs nice :. too ' CO lbs Rest Flour 100 H 12 lbs Lump Sugar 100 H lllbsTaploco 100 m HlbsSago 100 H 2 lbs Mixed Nuts :too H; 2 lbs Jumbo Peanuts 25c H 2 lbs Brazil Nuts .15o H 2 lbs Filbert Nuts :15c ' r.OallonsOll 1 10 H Best Grade Linoleum only $1,00 per yd. I Cash Only H ' To be hit with a 60 lb weight Is not H pleasant but It is less pleasant to get H your upholstering done poorly. Try the LOGAN SECOND HAND STORf H they upholster couches, lounges, Par- H lor suites, etc. Our work is guaran- H teed. Estimates given on application. H Phones i 06 24 W. i st N. Some One Will Get a Piano Cheap llobbs has one In his window that starts at 5200 and he takes olf $1 every day until It is sold. Wo have the finest line of ulanos jon tho market, and the people wo don't sell are those who don't see us. All we ask Is a chance. HOBDS MUSIC CO. We now run hacks for the Eagle hotel ho-tel and from residences going to and from all trains. Bell Phono 45.lr, Ind. Phone 212d. WILLIAMSON &SON, Livery. South Main ) TARE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH Aik (or and try once BLUE BELL Coufh Syrup. Pile Remedy, rfen'i Pain Liniment, or BLUE BELL Stomach Tablets, Diarrhoea, Croup, Nerve, Couth, Hay Fever and Catarrh, Blood, General Tonic, Bright Sunshine, Heart, Worm, Kidney, Headache, Summer Complaint, Soothiofc Tablet! for Children, Liver, Female Ketulator or Quinsy Tablets. " FOR SALE BY THE CITY DRUG COMPANY. IllflfWcoill : The approach of Easter will no doubt make you think of anew pair of Shoes or Oxfords which you want for yourself or family. 2 All our Spring Goods arc In now and we will be able to show you a complete assortment of styles at most reasonable prices 2 : : RKAWMURIt THAT AU. OUR S110KS ARE MADE OF I SOLID LF.ATI1HR AND WILL GIVE SATISFACTION S : : FOR TIMS WEEK WK WILL SELL YOU: 2 Men's $2.50 Shoes or Oxforts at SI. 95 S Men's :i 00 Shoes or Oxfords at. , 2M5 m S Men's $3 50 and $4.00 Shoes or Oxforts at 2.95 M Men's $100 and $5 00 Shoes or Oxfords at 3.U5 2 - Ladles' $2 00 Shoes or Oxfords at ..,.. 1.50 J Ladles' $2.50 Shoes or Oxfords at 1.95 Ladles' $3 50 Shoes or Oxfords at 2.U5 2 Ladles' $;t 60 and $1.00 Shoes or Oxfords at 2.95- Children's and Misses $1.25 Shoes or Oxfords sUest) to 2 95c 5 Children's and Misses $1.25 Shoes or Oxfords sizes 0 to 2 1.15 2 Children's and Mlsscs1.75 Shoes or Oxfords sizes n to2 1.U5 I i 1 One TUT UUD Mn 2 pnee I n r niln che"fuy : : To All I Ilk UUU Refunded 2 5 OPPOSITE THETARERNACLE |