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Show TEXAS OIL FIELBS A1ILLIOM 0ARREL8 OF CRUDE PRODUCT DOOMED AND 8IMI- LAR AMOUNT IN DANGER Uohtnlno Strikes Tank Durlna Terrlflo Rainstorm; Water Spreads Flro Rainstorm; Wator Spreads Flro In Texas City Houston, Texas. Moro than 1,000,-800 1,000,-800 Iwrrols of oil was doomed early Sunday In a spectacular flro swooping tho aulf Production company tnnk 'arm nt Humble. Lightning caused tho blnzo which was wpreadlng ovor nn nrtlflclal lake formod from rain Sunday. At 4:30 o'clock during a terrific lownpour of rain, lightning struck lank No. 21 of tho Gulf Plpo Lino company transportation subsidiary of tho Oulf Oil corporation. A column 3f flnmo shot skyward 200 foot, followed fol-lowed by n dense cloud of black smoke nnd a report that shook houses and rattlod window panes nil ovor tho numblo townslte, Monday morning, tnnk No. 22, ad-lolnlng ad-lolnlng tank No. 21, on tho nortli, caught flro nnd Is burning florcoly. Tho flnmo, fnnnod by Uio wind, now throaton tanks No. 11 and 8, nnd oven tho big pump station Itsolf. If tho wind holds, nothing can save tho Gulf tank farm with tho further probability probabil-ity that the Sun company tanks on tho opposite stdo of tha road from tho Oulf tanks will Ignite. Moro than a million barrols of oil aro In atorago In tho Sun company tanks. Tank No. 21, first fired, hus ft capacity ca-pacity of 581,000 boTels and hnd over HOO.OOO barrols ot oil stored thoroln when Ignited. Tank No. 22, has a storage capacity ot 270,000 barrols and was practically full of oil. Tanks Nos. 11 and 8 aro smaller, about 1C0.000 barrels capacity and aro n curly full of oil. |