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Show IJil Charm in Ribbon Trimming 111! I Lelong cuts tongues of fnbnc In the "Hill snmu cloth as the frock, crushes them , and gathers them together t form a fill belt and then loops more of them to- Mia gether to form n wide cuff. Polret re- ' IB It "us u',on n v'v'(l K'n,'e n' crepe to en- j 1 liven n plain model of tailored scree. I1, Tho girdle Is of Jade green, which con- . I f If n tlnues to bo a favorite color with Pol- If? j I rot, and ends In rnsscls after passing . Jf JJ through the steel buckles which ter- j jl ruinate the tiny Jacket of the gown. J In At tho waistlines of muny frocks Polret 1 I delights In nrrnnxlng Impressionistic f I flowers of vivid silk nnd padded to n f I 1 cushionlike quality. With his nccus- ill tnme(1 ,,,vc 'or tho full-valued colors, E ! I I Tolrct drapes ruby velvet o the long mm Hi "ncs of "n unl,e"'(,nK,n evening frock, BJl jl w-th little rings of green, mnuve nnd !I5tll teii thread at the bottom of whlrh Iitt 'orm t,evern' rows "" n "lost unusual I j f trimming. Again and again rne Is Im- I f pressed with the charm of ribbon trim- I ! mlngs, groBgraln and narrow velvet, plaits of black clro silk braid In ver- a . . , ""'WW niotlfs. metal ribbon that fairly lfifl01to 'PMkl-'s with new crlspness. There ImBbHI 0r r,blMJ"s klmtt(-'d and looped and vBbb LwBBjBWBaBWBlfcter -".' " ' ZJTtTTXimwmmm m&'U gathered In cabochons, In drapes nnd (lowers. Black velvet again nppeurs In a gown designed by Phllllppe nnd Gaston. Gas-ton. This time It Is trimmed with n M-rles of motifs In embroidered binds of nil brilliant tones and hues. On n dress designed by Jenny there Is nn. Insert down ono whole side of white crepe. This, ngnlnst the blnck velvet of the gown, nmkes nn Interesting Interest-ing contrast, effectively becoming to nlmost every womnn, 1-Tovlded It Is In tho right proportions. This designer hns taken fur nnd used It for an out-lino out-lino to murk the end of the black and the beginning of tho white. In this way she concentrates nil of her trim-mlng trim-mlng In one nren und obtains the most effective sort of n design. The dress Itself Is mado In threo tiers, us to the skirt, which Is a favorite manner with tho French this senson of relieving tho long lino of tho onc-plcco frock. This time tho arrangement Is lurger than Is ordinarily the case, but It Is none tho less effective and It mnnnges to supply tho eha'octcr and the styls of tho wuolo foetnmp. |