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Show District Patrolmen Receive Praise From State Officials Officers of the southern Utah District of the Utah Highway Patrol Pa-trol have recently won recognition recogni-tion for their performance In the apprehension of fugitives and stolen cars since the first of the year. The commendation came In the form of a letter from Colonel Lyle Hyatt, superintendent of the Utah Highway Patrol, and addressed to Sergeant Robert J. Reid. The letter stated that ". . . . I would like to express my appreciation ap-preciation to you and all the men under your command for what appears lo be an extra effort ef-fort in this area of operation. "The fact that the personnel of District H have apprehended or assisted In the apprehension of some 13 stolen vehicles, federal feder-al fugitives and AWOL's since January 1 of this year signifies an alertness and diligence above and beyond'the normal Highway Pfttrol operations. ". . . . Again my appreciation to you and your men for the excellent ex-cellent work you are doing." |