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Show Illness Claims Life Of Former Enterprise Resident Ellas Frank Hunt, 72, former resident of Enterprise, died at the hospital in Cedar City Friday Fri-day following, a lingering illness. ill-ness. He was born in Hebron, Wash ington county, a son of Elias and Alma Terry Hunt. He moved to Enterprise in 1903 where he made his home for many years. He had resided in Idaho and during the past few years has lived in St. George, Ivans and Santa Clara. Mr. Hunt was an active member mem-ber of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prior to his illness four years ago. He was ward clerk in both the Enterprise Enter-prise and Ivans wards. He served as the Enterprise town marshal y from 1924 to 1930. As a young man he freighted supplies into the mining camps of Nevada. He married Sarah Ann Alger, March 5, 1902 in the St George temple. Surviving are his widow and the following sons and daughters, daugh-ters, Ray Von Hunt, Beryl; Max Elias Hunt, Vale, Ore.; Jennie Hunt, Parma, Idaho; Mrs. Jary Joy Hafen, Ivins, and Mrs. Rebecca Re-becca Bundy, Fredonia, Ariz.; the following brothers and sisters, sis-ters, Thomas George and Nelson Glen Hunt, St. George; John M. Hunt, Nephi; Jonathan and Edward Ed-ward L. Hunt, Enterprise; Mrs. Dessie -Staheli, Provo, and Mrs. Llla Leavitt, Las Vegas; 34 grandchildren and 21 greatgrandchildren. great-grandchildren. Mr. Hunt had been living with his son, Ray V. Hunt, in Beryl, this summer and had been confined con-fined to his bed for about six weeks. Funeral services were held in Enterprise Monday afternoon under un-der the director of Bishop Leland Huntsman. The invocation was offered by Joseph A. Terry, and the benediction by Emery Huntsman. Hunts-man. Speakers were Arthur P. I Jones, Bishop Sylvan Graff of the Santa Clara ward, and Amos Frank Terry with brief remarks given by Bishop Huntsman. Burial Bur-ial was in the Enterprise ceme-terry ceme-terry under the direction of the Jensen mortuary of Cedar City. The musical program included songs by the Enterprise choir, with special numbers by a male quartet consisting of Ivan and Howard Holt, Duward and Merrill Mer-rill Terry, and a duet by Heber M. Holt and Alta H. Truman. |