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Show Right and a Duty The Non-Partisan Retailers' Nationwide Get-Out-The-Vote committee has come up with a catchy and excellent - slogan this year. It is "Vote As You Please But Please Vote." The coming election is of tremendous importance-it importance-it will determine the fateful courses that this nation will take in domestic and foreign policy. On both sides, the candidates, their managers, and their partisans have promised pro-mised driving, fighting campaigns. Far-reaching and op-nosed op-nosed DhilosoDhies of eovernment are the real stake in this election. It will be a tragedy if the decision is made, as in the past, by a minority ,of our. people. Over the centuries, rivers of blood have been shed in the fight for the right of franchise the right to a secret ballot. For this is the first and last defense against tyranny. tyran-ny. Without the right to vote as conscience and mind dictates, dic-tates, men are slaves the servants of ruthless masters whose powers know no limit. We have that right yet it is common in this country for but half or less of the eligible voters to go to the polling poll-ing booth on election day. One vote doesn't matter, they say. Yet a bare handful of votes can determine crucial contests as recently as 1940 a U. S. Senator was elected by a margin of just 20 votes in the huge state of Texas. And when the "my vote doesn't matter" attitude is held by millions of people, we have government by the minority, minori-ty, and no one can say that the will of the people is dominant. dom-inant. Vote As You Please But Please Vote! |