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Show CEDAR Sunday and Monday December 6 and 7 'CAST OF SUMATRA fsfi yJJEFF CHANDLER CUlCi MARILYN MAXWELL ANTHONY QUINN ' SUZAN BALL JOHN SUTTON ' maui mwumi Km. Tuesday and Wednesday December 8 and 9 Kirk Dougles Starring in The Juggler Thurs Fri. and Sat December 10. 11 and 12 1 tCmtHBEI'S PULITZER PRIZE HOVEL 1 JaneWyman 1 SFERLING HAYDEN NANCY OLSON -'""STEVE FORREST ...mm rTl ..HENRY BLANKE WJ nutWIlM V PARKS Sun., Mon. and Tues. December 6, 7 and 8 TWO BIG HITS Louis Hayward In the Royal African Rifles Leo Gorcey and the Bowery Boys in Clipped Wings Wednesday and Thursday December 9 and 10 Return Showing Barbara Stanwyck as Annie Oakley Friday and Saturday December 11 and 12 .... TWO BIG HITS Dangerous Grossing Johnny Weissmuller As Jungle Jim in Savage Mutiny f: TlT)TD7TTTTnT79C1 1 ALL THRU' THE HOUSE ... ' m ff FEMIEICS hundreds of Penney ways to SATURDAY ; , wl ZZZT , "NEAT LOOK" f. M super-weKTI SSA "2 ' ' '-. J I COLLARS and CUFFS! HgHP 2.98 fWM EH ' X i4& WM&: ' Dual tone Towncrafts - III I U gf ' . - 'm$: 1 Vjm exclusive at Penneyg-are M 1 I W)Oj & ',' 1 WWA W$f. new shirts, with fabric f. W rr W f.f -' ' ' - i ll'iHl treatment and collar styling Mxfrm f mJtT-f iff. i "' - - . ' I J;::'l l:4:fi:ii?H specially selected to reflect IMlw ASi f" ' - A J 3 i ,!; Cvfjf. lf,0 the important Neat Look ' V' ' mm of men's clothing this sea- m' W a V -'x ' ' ': ' - I son. Sanforized. Blue, tan Wm MF ' S : - V - S gray, maroon. Sizes 14-17. Mg fi: g: MEN'S GIFT f. I' ' H TIES IN BOLD fr I W ' I y)f: COLORFUL QUICK-TO-DRY $ I : Ajl A STYLES NYLON TRICOT 1; v kmA 98c briefs i 1 TOWNCRAFT M j - vm W7TTTT17 rjTTTTinprj , .j U 'J? likes vivid colors, exciting Adorably styled with nylon jg- ff Willi. Ill Ulllltlu , 1 I Prints, bright panels in his sheer, embroidery ormffled JJ K: i - 1 V ties! Every one features the insets! Elastic leg style for -ST. X ; !n MAW 4Tfc ? 5 '" NEW TRIM LOOK narrow Sood fit. Scoop them up for W nf: ; in now f 1 if 1 VC I ""I ' , cut. And at this low Pen- yourself ... for gifts every :ff v r ! I MEAT I frV I l ft j X ney price you can afford to girl welcomes! White, pink! g: MtAI liUvR S give these dandies to every S-M-L. :ff & f 1 . man on your list. m' I Collar Styles! fThe ea9on' emartest collat styles are just j Combed Cotton iff one quality feature of Penney s Towncraft II HA II IP I'T'tv:'"11 111 i 0' fehiru! You also get long-wearing collars and j AlluYLlL '& :ff cuffs, tapered waists, smooth, high count , - . t .t w- - & ff Sanforizedt combed broadcloth fabric, w hat t v ( i g: a gift for just 2.98! CflfHfQ Perfect quality: . :ff f Won't shrink more llunl CUUIlW f J U If . J inrichWashfas. 1 GAYAAODE! I f RICH-TEXTURED! I r A HA I I 1 I COLORFUL! HI i I I vJI . FuU-Fashioned! & mm0mimm . r;p8Wfl 60 gauge ;g: :ff. '"J, , Good looking, cushiony ir. L - H 15 denier; W . ' " V'' x f' gyles with the distinctive " , i'TT7,rP N ft :ff ' "V look of expensive hand-knit . " fjll4 1 M X & ! V- ' Vi " " ii wools. Buy a half dozen - I T . N ft: f 1 """" I . fl pairs in different color A t f 1WT OlV i SL : ,;fr, combinations, for a practi- 1 ' llll-lVllO. A n v V4 , I O cal, attractive gift. 10-13. J s - " '10 f - ' L :vj pi g--- a i ... f ! Wly legs look lovelier in g: 1 i iyjsir5-' xs x enney a Gaymode nylons! i FEVE CILVLLIS SHIRTS ' V:(' t j . ."'"I shr .-d biaUt-rui, ihe li fxpenslvety TQft P & tailored of V JJ ylUr ;;iw- n. You'd expect to pay a good deal more for A fine quaUty shirts like these! They're lux- j ,,, r , , r r r r r j , ff: ory detailed with saddle stitched collars, 1UWLL , : ft rayon satin yoke linings, adjustable cuffs, ENSEMBLE IN A ' -YnTTTCrnr ft f; come in plenty of new colors! S-M-L-XL. BIRD CAGE f (TK t'S U lol 1 I HOLIDAY BOX t NY1N TRIC0T I I : ft Jllgil i 1 GIFT SLIPS 9 to IACQUARD 2.79, ; tt&frt S'a FULLY LINED vix'f aww . ill IIHflt ' 14 ffl POTOP They make such smart gifts ? '-VX iM nUDt. and they're so practical, 5S ft jj- llI i:4yVH ft too! Famous Cannon solid J 'I W SV3 ly treat beauties yet: ft rill ft II If litTrW M Mil 00101 towel: one 22 by 44" I f wash nd dry in min- -VI t $i'9 bath towel, two 15 x 2.7' I 4 V uteg without pampering'.U ft IV; Vfl f:?A Luxury quality robe of full- face towels, and two 12 x I P lJ5r' Graceful 4 got styling wllhjffi jtf ' bodied acetate Jacquard 12" wash cloths. Your choice I 1 WJr an Infinite oriety of em-ft 4v fllfei'ifl with matching solid color of 5 decorator colors: sun lLj broidered, lace or net rrims.'- ;U f wSS.i trim. A sensational value," gold, lightning pink, pink kSsEQ'' White, pink. Sizes 32-40. ft jlS lj'-grr Whe" y0U nsider its fully. lllac- radiant rose, forest ft is lined even in the sleeves. green. A ff: Maroon, navy, green. S fWESTiLL HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF TOYS VISIT OUR T0YLAND NOV i |