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Show I KAIIARRAVILLE HEWS Jimmie Pollock has returned to his home in California after spending a week here with his father, Sam L. Pollock. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bryant of Las Vegas spent a few days here with Mrs. Bryant's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Williams. Wil-liams. Mrs. Elda Fife and daughter Dorothy of Summit, and Marva Prince and children, Deanna and Roland of New Harmony, were Monday visitors with their mother, moth-er, Hannah A. Davis. ( Speakers in sacrament meeting Sunday were Ardella Ford of Cedar Ce-dar City, and Ethelyn Haslam of Nevada. Marie Beckstead and David Da-vid Davis were graduated from the Primary into the MIA. Glen Wahlquist of Cedar City showed slides and gave a lecture lec-ture on the "Holy Land," here Sunday evening. The M I A held its Gold and Green ball here Tuesday evening. Mrs. Mina Piatt visited in Cedar Ce-dar City for a few days with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Browning Piatt. They visited Sunday in St. George with Mrs. Mary Seegmiller who is confined to her home because of illness. Mrs. Betty Williams entertained enter-tained a group of friends at a birthday party for her daughter Lucile, on her 10th birthday one day last week. The Marching Mothers canvassed can-vassed the town Monday night on the polio drive. |