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Show Metropolitan Star to Appear in Cedar f.v.:M ; V : l'- - ; f. .y2p:' ,i t. ' V NELLI The Metropolitan Opera star, Herva Nelli, who is one of the outstanding vocal personalities of the day, will give a concert here on Feb. 14, at the public school auditorium. Her appearance here, which is under the auspices ot the Music Arts Association, is expected to be one of the top attractions of Cedar City's current music season. Star of opera, concert, radio and recordings, lovely Miss Nelli Is celebrated from coast to coast as "The Tosear.ini Soprano." Since 1917, she hasstarred in all the Maestro's famous broadcasts of opera-in-concert-form which were the major attraction of every NBC- Symphony season from the last Forties until Tos-canini's Tos-canini's retirement last spring. Three recordings of these memorable mem-orable occasions, "Othello," "Fal-staff," "Fal-staff," and Verdi's "Requiem," have been released by RCA Victor Vic-tor and more arc to come in 1955. Herva Nelli was a struggling young singer irom isrooiuyn wnn more ambition than experience when Arturo Toscaninl chose her from among more than a score of better-known singers for Des-demonla Des-demonla in "Othello." Her performance per-formance before an audience ol thousands of radio listeners established her overnight as one of the great vocal discoveries ol , the decade. So Impressed was the Maestro with his "find" that he introduced her at the world's most famous opera house, La Scala, Milan, when he returned to conduct a music festival there. And so Impressed were La Sea-la's Sea-la's opera fans that her four performances per-formances of "Aida" at La Scala were Increased to eight. In the spring of 1953 Nelli made .her bow at the Metropolitan Metropoli-tan Opera In one of her great roles, that of "Aida," and it marked one of the most successful success-ful debuts of the season. store. Richard M. Morris, now managing Cedar Drug, will move to the Cowley Drug as manager, and Robert Hansen, pharmacist at Cowley Drug, will become manager of Cedar Drug, It is understood. un-derstood. Cowley states that he definitely is not retiring from the business, busi-ness, but will continue as manager man-ager of the cntirebusiness. He also states that he and Mrs. Cow-ley Cow-ley will continue to make their I home in Cedar City. |