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Show CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS I in n - m 1 1 im inrir i tm speed COMFORT es! CONVENIENCE &2 Ml to SALT LAKE CITY GREAT FALLS V -CANADA W. V LOS ANGELES V CH vfoloiVtga. ' V fcr JJJJJJjJ ""a Saatt Availabl "" J PII0:JI772 25 Airport 5 WESTERN & WAIRUNESM Travel-WUe V ...1, THE WHITE HOUtI WASHINOTON Jul 23, 1MT hra th baat nd fraaat pro in U world, but, aa In all otter field of buaan ndaavor, ther U lmyi roo for laprevaaant. 'Conaaquantljr, it la flttinc tt-Mt thara should b Rational Xi-papar Xi-papar Wctk han tha nawapapara of tha Unltad States my take stock of their aarvlcat to ttttir raadars. X Ilk tha slogan you have ehoaan thia yaar "Tour Naaspapar Sarvaa Fraadoa by Serving Ion." Thvra can ba no fraatar contribution to tba walfara of our nation and th world than aarvios la tba cauaa of fraadoa. Ha ar too auch inclinad to taka our own fraadoai as nit tar of court. Wa naad to dafand it always, and wa naad now to do all that w can to extend tha blaasings of fraadoa throughout th world. Tha oawspapara have played a sp land id part in th) graat cauaa and I know that tbay can b court tad upon 'Ji th futur. 0 m. , .....is.,,.........,............ .,m Thornton Drug Company' It's time now to begin treating that summer complexion of .yours. A weather beaten skin does not become the new Fall clothes. With consistent care of the skin you can make a noticeable change in your appearance in ten days; Helena Rubinstein's Treatment Line will .doit. Begin with a thorough cleansing with PASTEURIZED Cream regular if your skin is normal special if your skin is extra dry. $1.00, $2.00, $2.50 Sizes Then go over your skin with a CO-ET saturated satur-ated in HERBAL LOTION. Your face will feel cleaner and fresher. Then if you are only in your twenties, go over your skin with a complete film of, TOWN and COUNTRY NIGHT CREAM. But if you are thirty or more, RUBINSTEIN has a cream, her ESTROGENIC ES-TROGENIC MARMONE CREAM that will help to restore a fading, wrinkled skin. It's consistent use overnight, ever,y night will delight de-light your beauty loving heart. $3.50 per jar Let us explain to you our large stocks of specialized preparations. We have a product for almost every problem and condition. And last4 but not least, our large assortment of RUBINSTEIN MATCHED MAKE-UP, POWDER, ROUGE, LIP STICK, EYE SHADOW, ETC., will bring out hidden beauty you did not know you possessed. Lip Sticks $1.00 Powder $1.00 to $3.50 Rouge, paste or compact $1.00 Eye Shadow $1.00 A touch of perfume is the last perfect accent to a well dressed woman. Try HEAVEN SENT APPLE BLOSSOM TOWN COUNTRY $1.00 to $7.50 Thornton Drug Company Registered Pharmacist Always on Duty r . . ............. ... ' ..II- " .......rr.r..., uu,a.u,uitu.,uui u i,d WART, THE SPEED COP BY WALDO SWENSON V .C . V S TKS ClMUHl WIDOW 64 tAVtQt I W MiN 'SsT yZlsV? v5"arS?ovow tuoaiev I after my own VjVv vlr SJH31 motor co. J I HEART THORLEY MOTOR CO 18 South Main, Cedar City Utah, Phone 78 TRY THE CLASSIFIED ADS Auto Finance Cash Loans Refinancing BRADSHAW CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 421 I BUSINESS MEN Keep Physically fit, Have a lot of fun at ADULT RECREATION CLASS B.A.C.GYM Under direction of Ray R. Lindquist, Di-1 rector of Physical Education Dept. I TUESDAY & THURSDAY 8 P. M. Volleyball, Badminton, Basketball, and other sports. HOT SHOWER AND TOWELS SEPTEMBER 30 FEE 87.50 j I NOW ON SALE AT LESS THAN PRE-WAR (TJSTX COM! IN FOR LIBERAL TRADE-IN tk ON YOUR OLD TIRES! Prices of most everything these days are higher N VaV VwiTOWP th.an in 194L But higher luality. loger wearing I V I If I i Diamnd "Superlux" tires are today's best buy! lX X Get Set now with Diamonl or thousands of Lvw WWW 1 W I WvA CXtfa mIIeS f smoother saf er driving. A wider, M Hllll VlWlMllIll flatter.trea(J pu" more rubber on the road as- llll llffl l Will SUfeS. m0fe evea wear' Iess scuffing, maximum B 'nlll I Hilfi RMil 'f1011011- New construction gives more protec- I lilll ft f' fM REDUCED FROM $16.10 TO 'M J ALL POPULAR SIZES AVAILABLE Quality Higher, Prices Lower peS ) South Utah Auto Co. vfflGGQ 0 25 West Center Phone 1M aJ Your Chrysler Plymouth Dealer WITH VOUR COOKING- SO GOOD! WHAT DO OF COOKING - IWREDIEMS LUCK (jvRS. WISE. -IvOUDOf r, AND ALWAYS INSIST ON V COOKINQr WWi JgSL Lr-km YV CANT GO jRl ' ' "Ir' fU ' 13r ( 3' ll''s- ffi,Mtownwe(0 At a recent meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dr. Sherman re- I Ik ported on chemical diets which he forecasts will make men and women 1 kQY fa reach the heights of their powers at 65, and will increase tha expectancy i f'liJwt of life to 77 years. And what is the magic formula of these diets? Nothlni iklivf' more or less than MILK, fruit, eggs and vegetables or what Dr. Sherman rlMf calls "the protective foods." JMth . . Daily Home Delivery Parowan, Utah SOUTHERN UTAH DAIRY 20 . Phone 273WI |