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Show ! Spotlighting ! UTAH I'lah Draws Explorers j Fifty student explorers under the tutorship of Ansel F. Hall, well known explorer and former national parks director and his staff are doing do-ing extensive exploring in routhern Utah. The party is now camped at Mancos, Colorado. State Revises Tour Book The State Publicity Department has Just completed a revision of the Utah chapter In the National Automobile Association tour book. The request for a revision was made to the department by the A. A. A. who stated they were doing the book over in anticipation of the great tourist migration expected to start at the end of the war. The revised chapter of Utah will give the tourist a more comprehensive idea of what to see in Utah and how to see it. The Publicity Department has also been called upon to provide information infor-mation to a large New York pub-1 pub-1 Ushing concern who is starting a I series of booklets to be distributed in Europe and which will treat the I political and economic conditions i in the U. S., and in which Utah's agriculture, mining, trade and industrial in-dustrial activities will be fully told. Utah Sheepmen Promised Subsidy James A. Hooper, Secretary Utah Wool Growers, advises that a bill to give a $2.00 subsidy to producers of lambs has been passed by both houses and is awaiting presidential approval. This means $10 000,003 to the sheep raisers and will put more lamb on meat counters, it was said. O. W. I. Corresponds A letter has been received by the State Department of Publicity from Mr. Elmer Davis, O. W. I. Chirr, thanking the department for sending send-ing detailed information for the preparing of a corrected article In the forthcoming Issue of the Russian magazine, "American Illustrated." State Liquor Income Off The annual profit and loss statement state-ment of the State Liquor Control Commission reveals Utah's total liquor rales during the past 12 months to be $10,862,676.58 with net earnings, (sales less costs) to be $2,271.423 41. The net earnings arc short of the previous" year's record, but is attributed to strict enforcement, enforce-ment, and a shortage of liquor. An increase In net earnings is expected for the future because of the more plentiful supply of straight bourbons .and blended whiskies. To Map Canyon By Air For the first time in history, the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, including in-cluding the Moab, Utah area will be mapped from the air. Grand county is preparing an airport and a new I air field at Moab will be used as a base. Eddie Drapela, Colorado flyer will take the pictures from a six passenger airplane. |