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Show PREPARE FOR THE CENTENNIAL YEAR Acclimated Evergreen Shrubs Fruit Trees Potted Plants for Christmas DIXIE NURSERY Phone 2704 Hurricane, Utah Thornton Drug Company There is no finer gift for Christmas than a CASCO ELECTRIC HEATING PAD Safety Control, at prices to suit your purse $6.74 $8.11 $10.32 I Men and Women appreciate a gift of fine Stationery. We have attractive gift boxes of Stationery in many finishes and in white and pastel shades 98c, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3,00, $3.50 A Max Factor Gift Sri of Cosmetics will delight de-light any woman. We have them from $2.50 - $3.55 - $4.55 - $8.55 and all contain Max Factor's revolutionary new Lip Stick. We have all the famous Lentheric odors in COLOGNE or PERFUME TWEED MIRACLE SHANGHAI A BIENTOT CONFETTI . Make her happy with a Cologne Set Three Silent Messengers $2.25 or DANCE SET $3.30 Some gifts are in a class by themselves. For that single exquisite touch give her a crystal clear Tlastic Perfume Holder with its own wonderful perfume $7.50 and $10.00 Thornton Drug Company Registered Pharmacist Always on Duty NEED MONEY? For Quick Action Sen Glen Froyd G. A. C. For Full Details $50 and More 66 North Main Phone I If'! Wm( M- uik For good bad-weather driving have your car checked at Shell fift Inspection: Your Shell Dealer will examine the tread carefully ead, if ncitary, twitch lirei around lor maximum safety and mileafe. If tires Med rttreadinf, bell help you. He might even have a tm tire (or you I Lights: Your Shell Dealer will cleao your lishti and replace burned-out bulbt Battery Check: Your Shell Dealer will make tare that water level it up, that j battery it ready lor cold weather starts. II battery oeedi charting, he'll do it X j I jV lor you promptly R I l" 1 1 WinithMi Wipert: Your Shell Dealer will replace bled if MoctMry to C SHELL 7 live you tale clear vition , V l" Radiator service ... fan belts .. . spark plug cleaning . . . there are daeem k x of ways your Shell Dealer can heip you. Drive in ad ask I Jt your Stall Dealer help you to good bad-weather driving CLASSIFIED LIKE TO TALK to groups of ladles? lad-les? We need someone to demonstrate demon-strate our unexcelled line in this locality. Eaniiuas considerably a- 1 bove Uie average. Cur essential, j Well established firm, but products not known in the Southern part of Utah. Possibilities of promotion excellent. ex-cellent. Write Branch Manager, 723 East 21st South, Salt Lake City, 5, Utah. Adv. D-12 & 19. " C- WANTED: Young man between 30 and 35 yrs. old who wants tc make selling his life's work. If yxi have a car, nnd a reasonable knowledge know-ledge of building construction there is a good opportunity for you he:e Ample training given. Write, care of The Record, giving your name, .ddress, age and experience If any. Adv. D-12 IlCTiTESSES WANTED WE WISH TO ADVERTISE our uirxcclled line of household neccs-;lties neccs-;lties to the housewives of southern south-ern Utah. Tais is done ONLY BY DEMONSTRATION in homes to groups of ladies. Entertainment ant' lots 6f girts furnished by us free. ny housewife acting as our Hos-ess Hos-ess Is wjll repaid In merchandise and gifts. For particulars on our Stanley Hostess Plan, write Branch Manager, 725 East 21st South, Salt '.ake City. 5, Utah. Adv. D-12 k 19. 1C M ' GIVAN'S USED CARS 1936 Ford 1 ton Truck, $595.00 1937 International 2-ton Truck for $795.00. 1937 Studebaker Pickup $550.00. 1934 Chrysler Air-Flow $600.00 Adv. D-12, WILL TRADE for car or sell for cash Sllverdome Trailer house, wlh flourescent lighting. 2 pre-war 60C x 16 times Ex Rubbert Sleeps Call 205R Adv. D-12 Pd. TRACTOR FOR SALE: 1 Clctrar AO Model Tractor, motor and Tacks excellent. 1 John Deere pow-r pow-r lift, two-bottom plows. 1 revolv-'ng revolv-'ng scraper, new. 1 tractor trailer, All in A-l shape. $2,000.00. W. R OSTERHOVDT, Milford, Utah. dv. N-7 tf. ATHERLEY BROTHERS COAL MINE. ALTON. UTAH Coal will be available at the mine 8 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. except Sunday Mine run. lump coal $4 25 per ton slack at $2.50 per ton, oil treatec lack at $3.10 per ton. Adv. 0-3 tf. ft SAWMILL MEN, Lowers, Woodcutters. Wood-cutters. Mall power chain saws, Immediate Im-mediate delivery. "Westerner" Edg-ers Edg-ers on display, Immediate delivery. Farwest Equipment Co. 411 So. 8th St. Boise, Tel. 153-W. , Adv. N-7 to D-26. CHOICE PEARMAIN APPLES - $2.50 per bu. Will deliver once a wprk. A. J. Adams. Box 87, Paro-wan. Paro-wan. Telephone 2532. 1 1 LOS ANGELES ( 3'i hour - only $20 55 I SAN FRANCISCO I SAN DIEGO ( ,1 SALT LAKE CITY 1 l' hour -for $1140 I I Conntcliont to 1 I DENVER CHICAGO j NEW YORK I GREAT FALLS -CANADA I Roiorvallarui I I Phone 772 I I AIRPORT J UJESTERn nilfmTis AMlllCA't nowti r-riiri jjjlftl EYE OPEKHBffi WJtlT Gft Was I .T. s .i.J. Ji; itllr I S Sturdy Lcntwood construction. jpr fr w H 3. Fun for baby . . . boon for fls m busy Mothers. Built low to . T. T . r c . is S prevent tipping. ft C,,of Th 'roc" For g I Scale Model Uneoupllnrf 1 (QyV KLKCTIIIC TRAIN f H r4NO itf)v t Compefe with tnniform A il AW f Jt3tt !7 hngtht of track 41.IO s j 1 ook handsome scale model steam loco- J M iyLJSS 1 f motive . . . leader of a fast express freight train I la Yr'Sm w consisting of coal and water tender, gondola, tank 1 3 n V5f ') Jl f car, box car and caboose. 8 lengths of curved 3 W ! track, 19 straiKht. Train uncouplea automatically ' f Walk, As Yo Pull H at "UnCUple Uere" f "lJIA 1 ELEPHANT I 1.0S t A colorful action pull toy. KmsjnA . ! Gift That 7eocae M Klephant walks and pushes , VaT.HSm!! '1 vVe f fnfertoei barrel when pulled. Circus 1WV V't g trained. Size 10" xU", , - DESK TYPE H M A KLACKBOAIXD )' 4lr " 'rfoookearr. . I " -Ll ' V . For VP00 beginners. Give , ) Sf VJ u I) ( wo gifts In one . . . desk and I . j blackboard. Wood parts are of ) Look What W9 Faun J I . ' vv . "elected sturdy oak, lacquer I awr wmmr U A- finished. Book charts are lith-, lith-, I'LAY IKMMl . - r. . . u-i -4 ographed in 4 colors. J. 1.19 . . " II All the farmyard animals, yiSTSr- kiTi b ' j a 3 colorfully die cut. Pages SSS?- y - ' 11 hinged together. Can be Y JjSirTi U Tholr tUartt' Contont ) r spread on floor. t&&ir attoZ'SrfJ ft ( lfv, IIANC-A-PEG ft (Str r-'IS ' 1 ill joo ofci w M K , . , , , I ' C "ere' harmless way to let 1 Walking nrcult : yuJ & 'XVlVZ Seal Hroakor j sA X&J1J&m 1 1.95 1.95 , M Ball balancedDome lights - 3 on nose re-automatically S volves. Stands on short cir- a Wfmr"3 GilhTl For An 12- high. cuit. ItiX! ( cv yoBrfer 1 0mm -U" 3.75 "Tr .,fy(l Spoy 1 FHIE TltUCK mJOk ' fi OS A tire8 tubular stoel handle- p I 1 bari with ru,)ber ?riP- Hd- t Strong enoth for a child to oma enael 5 ait on and ride. Saddle aeat removable. Rubber wheels. 36" a long. All ateal constnaction. " "' 1 ill C Happf Uovghl For Tott Ore-Poe i Kirri':'" 4 MiM kliig llorsn Wheelbarrow KUvhen s 225 1.98 y . All wood . . . smooth varnish Mora than a toy . . . a prae- 8 lovely ptewa .... white finish. A grand "exercise" for heelb,,rrw' table, atove, sink, and refrig- toU of 3. Handle through ,32L i' jon- ?Jurdllv. fin" erator ... 4 blue chairs. Dur- hone's head. ihe. For fun in the sand. 4 is able washable plastic 8. 11(1 NORTH MAIN 1'IIONK 3.I0 4 GIFT SUGGESTIONS .i,:u;iM,j::i',:::i.:!;.iijniiitii!i' |