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Show First Ward Holiday Spread Plans Set Bishop U. P. Dotson (1f the Cedar First Ward reports that plans are now complete for the annual Holiday Hol-iday Spread, and that co'iunlttees are busy with preparations to make it an out .landing event of the Christmas holiday season. The Holiday Spread will be held at the Ward recreation hall on Friday. IVeembcr 27th, and tvery body In Cedar City and .surrmindum towns are Invited to attend. A turkey dinner will be served ! with M-rvIng beginning at (1.00 p.: m. and continuing until every guest has had his turkey dinner. Dane-1 ing. both old time and modern, w ill also be featured throughout the) evening. The Enoch Orchestra will, play for old time dancing from' 8 30 to 10 30 p. in., after which at modern orrhestru will play for the balance of the evening. j |