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Show NEEDLEWORK PATTERNS Cable Knit Socks for School Gay Animal Head Votholders J Gay Potholders I SE colorful scraps of left-ovet LVVl materials to make these gay r 5 O 8 S litt' anima' nca potholders. Em-: Em-: Si broider with bits of floss and you've some ideal gifts for holi-gssBHsaBaasssanT holi-gssBHsaBaasssanT day civine. church bazaars, bridee Woolen Socks TTHAT active high school crowd needs lots of socks why not make up some woolen ones in white, navy blue, maroon, brown or gray. They're easy to knit and go quickly. The socks illustrated have a cable stitch cull for trimming. trim-ming. To obtain complete knitting Instructions Instruc-tions (or the Cable Knit Socks (Pattern No. 5085) sizes small, medium and lance Included send 20 cents In coin, your name, address and pattern number. Buy wisely for this Christmas . . . buy practical, useful gifts that are sure to please. For example, local dealers are featuring two timely items you can give to the smokers on your Christmas list-Camel list-Camel Cigarettes and Prince Albert Al-bert Smoking Tobacco. These popular pop-ular brands are all dressed up in special holiday suits, ready to give. Camel comes in a handsome hand-some ten-package carton contains con-tains 200 mild, mellow cigarettes. And for the pipe-smoker, mellow Prince Albert is available in gay, colorful one-pound tins. All are so attractively packaged that no additional ad-ditional wrapping is necessary. Even space is provided for the giver's "Merry Christmas" message. mes-sage. It will take only a few minutes min-utes of your time to pick up these popular Christmas items at your nearest dealer. Adv. prizes and for your own kitchen. Actual size is given on the pattern chart. To obtain three Animal Potholders (Pattern No. 5280) actual sire for embroidering, em-broidering, color chart, send 20 cents In coin, your name, address and pattern number. Due to an unusually large demand and current conditions, slightly more time Is required In tilling orders for a few of the most popular pattern numbers. Send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK 70S MUilon St., Ban Francisco, Calif. Enclose 20 cents for pattern. No This Home-Mixed Cough Relief Is Hard Jo Deat So Easy. No Cooking. Saves Dollars. No matter what you'va been using; for cotiKhs due to colds, you'll be the first to admit that this surprising relief, mixed In your own kitchen, la hard to beat, for real result. Make a syrup by stirring; 1 cups of ' granulated sugar and 1 cup of water a few momenta, until dissolved. No cooking la needed a child could do It Or you can use corn syrup or liquid honey. Instead of sugar ayrup. Then put 2 ounces of I'lneg (obtained (ob-tained from any druggist) Into a pint bottle, and fill up with your ayrup. This plves you a full pint of really splendid cough relief about four times an much for your money. Tastes fine children love It. It never spoils. You can feel this borne mixture taking; riplit hold of a cough. It loosena the phlegm, soothes the Irritated Irri-tated membmncs, and helps clear the nlr passages:. Eases soreness and difficult breathing, and Icta you sleep. I'lnei Is a special compound of proven Ingredients, In concentrated form, a most reliable soothing airent for throat and bronchial Irritations. Just try It, and If not natlaflod, your money will bo refunded. For Your Future Buy U. S. Savings Bonds ;VffV,,., L . H . ' " Rub in Ben-Gay for welcome, fast relief from stiff- ; ' 1 !" neck pnin. Gentle, soothing Den-Gay contains up to ' ,' 2 Vi timet more of those famous pain-relieving agents , known to all doctors-methyl salicylate and menthol . ,iv than five other widely offered rub-ins. Insist on J 1 ficnuino Bcn-Gny, the original Daume Analgesiquo. ; It octi fast where you hurt . : ' Alto for Psla out to RHCUMATISM, MUSCLE ACHE, and COLDS. j" ; ... JUk for Mild B Cay for Children. xy |