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Show A happy New Year to you all. Ring out tho old, Ting in the new, Ring happy bells across tho snowl mm Remember though ','It is never too lato to become what you might bave- been." How is your memory' Can you remember one good resolution you , made a year ago? Mrs. John Lowder has received word from her sister in England of the death In war of tho hitter's grand-son, grand-son, (? EVMfefr Me8?s. R. R. and D. R. Pago have Jy gone fJ Pinto to do assessment work f on titan mining claims situated in that strict. ' Santa Claus left a gift at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Veltua Evans, in the shape of a little baby girl, born " on Christmas day. When is that big Parowan home-coming home-coming movement going to be started off. Why not havo it in connection with the county fair noxt fall? A good new year resolution to makeTo keep abreast of tho news of your homo county by reading tho Iron County Record during 1915. Some people must havo money, tho ttorej t$w xtaWr We burfn9 tlw dances arc well attended, new buildings build-ings are going up. Wo aro not so badly off yet. Little zary Adams, daughter of James J. Adams, had the misfortune to fall on the ice whiio skating, breaking break-ing her leg just above the ankle. The accident occurred last Tuesday. The stores sent out Christmas presents pres-ents in the shape of groceries and other necessities to the poor, this year, following a custom of many years back and gladonnfng the hearts of the recipients. If you are going to buy that automobile auto-mobile during 1915 bo sure to read the advertisement of Halterman and Pnge in this issue. They sell machines ma-chines which arc attracting the attention at-tention of automobile experts throughout through-out the world. m m The married people had a very oleasant dancing party in the opera house Wednesday evening, Dec. 30. The dancc3 of tho young people would be more enjoyable if the married folks would attend them. Mixed parties are best for all. 1914 has come and gone. Nothing we could ever do will change, in the least, anything we did during its progress. pro-gress. Let us forget its troubles, its hardships, and its failures, and remembering re-membering only the lessons it has brought us. Summon up a strong determination de-termination to profit by them, and thus by overcoming past mistakes make the coming year a better, brighter bright-er and more profitable one in every way. The matter of building a rescrvior on the cast side of town for the conservation con-servation of our winter water is taking tak-ing up the attention of tho commercial commer-cial club, who have appointed a committee com-mittee to visit the citizens and find out just what stock they will take in an enterprise of this kind. It has long been recognized that such a movement should be made, and it is quite likely that this will be tho next big improvement which our citizens will engago in. Throat troubles have been more prevalent in our community this fall ind winter than is common among us. Tt is undoubtedly due to the fact that ve havo had but very little snow fall, that this condition 'exists. Storms lear the atmosphere from many poisons, pois-ons, and in this way keep out many 'isease germs which would otherwise he taken into the system, causing ilckness. It is to be hoped that before be-fore the year 1915 is very old, we will havo a good old winter snow storm which will bo not only a boon In the way of better health but also to the farmers and sheepmen. The boys who put tho cayenne pep-ner pep-ner on the floor of tho opera house, ind thus in a great measure, spoiling the pleasure of the many persons who fathered there for a good time at the M. I. A. Measuring ball, Tuesday evening, will some day learn that pleasure or fun is not secured in this way. No one can think upon such an action with any degree of pleasure, when they are ashamed to let others know they participated in it. When we all really learn tho difference In tho joy it brings us, in making others happy or in causing them to suffor one of tho chief causes of unhappincss will cease to exist. |