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Show CHIEF EVENTS DF YEAR JUST ENDED Record of Twelve Monlhs Will Be Moirientous, to Future Gen- erations. DETAILS OF WAR IN" EUROPE Clash There Has Overshadowed Other Events Disasters Doth on Land and Sea Have Been Many-Minor Many-Minor Incidents Placed on Record. This has proved one of tho great years of history, for It has Been tho outbreak of tho long-dreaded World War, School children a thousand years from now will remember 1914 aa they do 1492 and 1770. Following Is a record of some of tho prominent ovonta of tho year, especially tho first fivo .months of tho great conflict: JANUARY. Jan. 1. John Llnil arrives In Vera Cruz lo observe Mexican chaos for l'resldent Wllnon. Jan. 3. Two thousand Moxtcan refugees rom battlo of OJInaga Heo Into tho United Uni-ted States. Jan. 4. Steamship Oklahoma breaks In two 38 miles from Sandy Hook; 32 die. Jan. 6. Ford Motor company announces Its workmen shall havo at least $30 a week each. Jan. 8. United States naval forco of Vera Cruz stronRthcned. Jan. 9. Villa captures OJInaga. Jan. H. Mexican rebels tako Torreon. Jan. 30. Steamship Monroo rammed and sunk by Steamship Nantucket oft Cheas-peako Cheas-peako boy, 43 drown. FEBRUARY. Feb. 4. Castillo, Mexican bandit, wrecks paBgenKor train In burning tunnel near Madera; 17 Americans and 69 Mexicans perish. Fob. 10. Earthquake through New York state. Fob. U.-Lleut. Arthur B. Cook, U. S. ?avy, wounded by bullot In Vera Cruz street. b. 17.-Villa kills W. S. Benton, Scotch rancher. MARCH. March 12. Geo. Wcntlnuhousc, lnvontor of tho alrbrako, dies. March 1G. Gaston Calmotto. editor of the Figaro, sot dead by Mme. Calllaux, wlfo of French minister of finance. March 23. War Minister Secly of Britain resigns. APRIL. April 1. Ilousa of Representatives repeals re-peals tho Panama canal tolls bill. April 2. Ono hundred and seventy killed when storm overtakes Newfoundland scalers scal-ers on tho Ice. April 2. Twolvo Federal Reserve bank districts announced. April 6. Secretary Daniels bars strong drink, from U. S. navy. April 10. Fivo men of U. S. navy under tho Btars and stripes aro locked up by Ilucrta agents In Tamplco. April 13. Four gunmon, murderers of Herman Rosenthal, aro executed. April 14. President Wilson orders entire Atlantic fleet to Vera Cruz to forco an apology for the Tamplco Insult to the American flag. April 18. President Wilson sends ultimatum ulti-matum to Huorta. April 19. Huertn refused to saluto U. H. flag. April 20. President ftBks congress's permission per-mission to uso armed forces of tho United Uni-ted States against Ilucrta. Ilousa assents; as-sents; senate debates. April 21-2. Admiral Fletcher's marines seize Vera Cpjz; 17 Americans and about 2C0 Mexicans killed. April 22. Carranza says Vera Cruz selzuro Is unjustified. April 25. A. B. C. Powers offer mediation media-tion to W. 8, and Huertn. April 29. Industrial wnr In Colorado mines. About sevcnty-flvo men, women nnd children dlo In all. April 30. Admlrnl Fletchor turns Vera Cruz over to General Funston. MAY. May 8. Sevoral hundred dlo In earth-quako earth-quako near Mt. Aetna, Sicily, May 11. Half million pay tribute to Vera Cruz doud In New York. May 18. First commercial cargo goes through Pnnama canal. May 22. Charles Becker for second tlmo found guilty of murder of Herman Rosenthal. Rosen-thal. May 27. Herman B. Duryca's Darbar II wins the Derby. May 2S. Ono thousand and thirty-two drowned when tho Empress of Ireland, hit by Storstad, sinks near Rlmouskl, St. Iawronce river. JUNE. June 11. Sennto has to jvpeal Panama canal toll bill; DO to 35. Juno 25. II. B. Cluflin Co. nnd nllled oonccrns throughout tho United States fall. Juno 25. Salem, Mass., laid was to by flro, 20,000 homolcss. June 23. Archduko Francis Ferdinand assassinated. Juno 30. Mrs. Louise Bailey mysteriously mysterious-ly shot In tho office of Dr. Edwin Carman nt Frceport, L. I, JULY. July IB. General Huerta resigns as pres-Idont pres-Idont of Mexico to Francisco Carbajal July 10. General Ilucrta resigns and leaves Mexico City for Europe. July 23. Austria sends an ultimatum to Servla. July 27. Sir Edward Grey proposes an International conference. July 28. Austria and Germany decline Bir Edward Grey's proposal; Austria declares de-clares war on Ssrvlo. July 81. The kaiser demands that Rus. sla suspend mobilization svlthln twelvo hours; Russia ordors general mobilization. AUGUST. Aug. l.-Gerniany declares war1 on Rus-Bla; Rus-Bla; French cublnet'orders general tnbblU lzatlon., Aug. 2. Gorman forces enter Luxcm ' i ' ' i T burg; Germany addresses ultimatum to Belgium demanding freo passage for her troops. Aug. 4 England sends ultimatum to Berlin, demanding unqualified, obsorvamiu of Belgian neutrality; Germany rejects ultimatum; German troops begin nttaok on Urge; President Wilson Issues procla-, procla-, matlou of neutrality. Aug. 6. England announces existence of slnto of war with Germany; President Wllshn tenders his good ' offices 'to the warring nattytis. Aug . Austria declares War on Russln. "i Aug. ".i-Gormnns enter Mego; French . Invndc southern Alshce. tAug. 8j-itnly reaffirms neutrality: ,1) ranch occupy Muclliausan.; Aug 10rf-Franco proclaims n stato of war (with Austrln.- ,.- Aug, 13. England declares war on Ana-trlu. Ana-trlu. Aug. 13. President Carbajal leaves Mexico Mex-ico City. Aug. 13. Austrian enter Bcrvla; Japwi sends ultimatum to Germany. Aug. 17. British expeditionary forco completes Its landing In Franco! Belgian cnpltnl romoved from Brussels! beginning of a fivo days' battlo In Lorraine, ending In repulse of French across frontier with heavy loss; beginning of fivo days' battlo between Servians nnd Austrlnns on tho Jndar, ending In Austrian rout. Aug. 20. Germans enter Brussols; Belgian Bel-gian army retreats on Antwerp. Aug. 23.-GermnnH begin nttack on Mons; Austria announces victory over Russlnnn nt ICrasnlk. Aug. 24. Germans enter Nnmur; British begin retroat from Mons; Zeppelin drops bombs Into Antwerp. Aug. 25, Austria declares war on Jnpnn; Muollmusen evacuated by tho French. Aug. 20. Non-partisan French cabinet orgnnlzed; Germans tako Longwy. Aug. 26. British fleet sinks flvo German warships off Helogolnnd. Aug. 27. Louvaln burned by aormans; Jnpancso blockndo Tslng Tao. Aug. 29. Germans capture LaFcro; Rus-elan Rus-elan defeated in threo days' battlo near Tannonberg. Aug. 30. Germans occupy Amiens. 8EPTEMBER. Sept. 1. St. Petersburg to bo known honccforth ns Petrograd by Imperial decree. de-cree. Sept. 2. Germans advanco pentrates to Crell, about 30 miles from Paris and swings eastward; French center between Verdun nnd Reims driven back; scat of French government removed to Bordeaux. Sept. 3. Russians occupy Lcmberg. Sept. 5. Battlo begins south of t! Marno nnd enst of Paris In which the German right wing Is pushed back, followed fol-lowed by a general retreat. Sept. 7. Maubeugo' taken by tho Germans. Ger-mans. Sept. 10. Tho kntscr protests to President Presi-dent Wilson against use of dum-dum bullets bul-lets nnd civilian excesses by tho allies. Sept. 12. German retreat halts on tho Alsno. Sept. lO.-Belglan commission protests to President Wilson against German "atrocities." Sept. 17. Austrian armies effect, Junction Junc-tion nnd hold lino of San River against Russians. Sept. 20,-aermnns bombard Reims and Injure tho famous cathedral. Sept. 22,-Gfirman submarine sinks British Brit-ish cruisers Abouklr, CrcSBy nnd Hoguo in the North sen; Russians capture Jaroslav and Invest Przemysl. Sept. 20. British troops from India land nt Marseilles. Sept. 28. Germnns begin Blege of Antwerp; Ant-werp; RusBlan patrols ponetrato Carpathian Carpa-thian passes into Hungary. Sept. 29. Germans deliver fierce attacks around Noypn; French press forward from Toul nnd Verdun. Sopt. 30. Germnn wnrshlps bombard Japanese posltlpn boforo Klnuchau. OCTOBER. Oct, i.-IIeavy fighting near Arras begins. be-gins. Oct. 2. End of week's battle at Augus-towo Augus-towo in which tho Germans aro defeated nnd forced out of Russian territory. Oct, 3-G. Rurtdans occupy town In I Hungary. Oct. C-Gerniaii utlueks of Lasslgny ro-pulsod; ro-pulsod; Belgian government removed from Antwerp to Ostend. Ont. 7. Bombnrdment of Antwerp begins; be-gins; British submnrlno sinks Gorman do-stroyer; do-stroyer; Japanese seize Cnrollno Islands. Oct. 8. Zeppelins bombard Antwerp. Oct. 9. Antwerp occupied by the Germans. Ger-mans. Oct. 10. French win cavalry engagemont around Hazebrouck. Oct. 11. German advanco In Poland approaches ap-proaches the Vistula nnd threatens Warsaw; War-saw; Austrian countor-ofTenslve n Gallcln. Oct. 11 A Boor commander In tho Capo province mutinies nnd martial law Is declared de-clared throughout tho South African Union. Oct. 13. Belglnn government transferred from Ostend to Havre. Oct. 14. Allies occupy Ypres; battlo begins be-gins on tho Vistula. Oct. 15. Ostend occupied by tho Germans. Ger-mans. Oct. 16. British cruiser Hawko sunk by Germnn submarine Oct. 17. Japanese cruiser Tnknchlmo sunk by torpedo In Klauchau bay, Oct. 18. Belgiun army effects Junction with nllled left, battlo on from Channel const to Llllo. Oct. 20. English gunboats partlclpnto In battlo nt Nlouport on Belglnn coast. Oct. 24. Ten days' battlo boforo Warsaw ends In Germnn defeat . onus in aermnn defeat . Oct. 26. After a week of furious fighting Oermnn nssnults on nllled lino from Nleu-port Nleu-port to Ypres slacken. Oct. 27.-South African sedition spreads, Oonernl DoWet In revolt; Russlnns pur-suo pur-suo retreating Gormups nnd reoccupy Lodz and Rndom. Oct. 28. Borlln ndmlts tetrcnt from Worsaw nnd Ivangorod; Germnn crulsor Emdon entors harbor of Penang and torpedoes tor-pedoes Russian cruiser and French do-stroycr. do-stroycr. Oct. 29. Turkey begins wnr on Russia by naval attacks on Odessa, Novorossysk nnd Theodosla In tho Crimea. Oct 30. Colpnol Mnritz, rebel lender in Cnpe Province, boaton and driven out of tho colony. NOVEMBER. Nov. 1. A squadron of flvo German cruisers, including tho Gnelsonau nnd Schnrnhorst, defeated a British squadron off Coronel, on the coast of Chile; Turks bombard Sebastopol, Nov. 3. German squadron makes a raid to British coast near Yarmouth. Nov. 3. Republican lnndsllde In United States .elections. Nov. :4, German cruiser York strikes mind In Jnde Bay and sinks; heavy fight-Ingarcund fight-Ingarcund Ypres. Nov. j B.' England and Fvnnce declare war ort Turkoy;, Dardanelles forts bom-.bardedj bom-.bardedj Russians reoccupy Jaroslav. Nov. . Tslng Tno surwndors to the Jannnrse. Nov. 7.-Germnn light cruiser Gelcr ln terns In Honolulu. Austrlnns report advance ad-vance In Servla. Russians reach Ploschon In Silesia and enter Enst Prussia. Nov. 9.-Carrjnza flees from Mexico City. Nov. 10. - The Emden defeated and foredd iishoro nt North Keeling lslnnd In Buy of Bengal, by Australian cruiser Sydney. Syd-ney. NoV. 11 Gorman' enpturo Dlxmudfl. German submarine sinks British guntooat Niger off Deal. . Nov. 12. Russlnns occupy. JoUnnnlwburg In East Prussia; Russians defe'ud nt Vlotslnvek. . Nov. 13.-Fghtlng renewed nt fJlou'port Nov. lE.-ltusslans defpatod at Llpno and Kutno; battlo In Flanders nttains cllmnx with charge of tho Prussian Guard against Ypres; battln In Flntders nttains climax with chargo of tho Prussian Gunrd against Ypres. Nov lG.-Tho Shclkh-ul-lslnm nt Constantinople Con-stantinople proclaims a Holy War against tho (allies, British houso of commons Votos n wnr loan of 225,00,000 pounds. Nov. 17. Berlin announces Austrian victory vic-tory over Servians nt Vnljovo. Nov. IS. French rapturo Trncy-le-Vnl; Naval battlo in Blnck sea. In which Turks and Russlnns both ctnlm victory. Nov. 19. House of commons votes a now nrmy of 1,000,000 mom mora thnn 1,100,000 men already under arms, exclusive of territorials; ter-ritorials; Germans plcrco Russian contor south of Lodz. Nov. 22. Russians surround two Gor man corps south of Lodz. Nov. 2C. British battleship Bulwnrk destroyed de-stroyed by explosion In tho Mcdwny rlvor; Germnns broak through Russian clrelo near Lodz. Nov. 2C. American nrmy evacuates Vera Cruz. Nov. 29. Russians fall In nss-fciU on Dnrkehmen In East Prussia. Nov. SO. Artillery fighting renewed nong tho Yser. DECEMBER. Dec. 1. German Reichstag votes now credit of flvo billion marks; Russians occupy oc-cupy Plotsk on tho Vistula; King Gcorgo visits tho nrmy In Flnndors; Frenoh enpturo enp-turo Chateau of Vcrmclles. Doc. 2. Austrlnns tako Belgrndo by storm; Germany claims 80,000 Russian prisoners slnco November 11; Goneral Do Wet captured. Dec. 3. London wnr office nnnounccs landing of Australians and Now Zoalan-ders Zoalan-ders In Egypt; Italian premier In parliament parlia-ment finds no reasons for a chnngo of policy; Servians turn on Austrlnns In threo days' battlo which ends In a nota-blo nota-blo Servian victory. Dec. 6. Germnns occupy Lodz. Dec. 7. French nttnek to tho north of Nnncy repulsed. Dec. 8. Tho German squndron undor Rear Admiral Von Speo Is nttacked In tho South Atlnntlo off tho Falkland Islands by n British fleet under Admlrnl Sturdeo. and tho cruisers Schnrnhorst, Gnelsenau, Leipzig nnd Nuernberg nro sunk; British occupy Bassornh, In Asia Minor. Dec. 10. Unofficial reports speak of n German submnrlno nttack on Dover. Dec. II. Russlnns claim to hnvo beaten back thro Grman attneks on Warsaw, Dec. 12. Berlin nnnounccs tho Russians lost 150,000 men nt Lodz; French stato left bank of tho Yser Is freo of Germans; Colonel Col-onel Goothals asks two destroyers to protect pro-tect tho noutrnllly of the Canal Zono. Dec. 13. French bombard Metz forts. Dec. 14. Tho Servians, having cut an Austrian army to pieces, reoccupy Belgrade. Bel-grade. Doc. 14. British announce tho submarine B-ll dived under flvo rows of mines and snnk tho Turkish battleship Mcssudleh. Dec. -15. Three -thousand U. S. troops ordered to Mexican border nt Waco, where wander bullots killed and woundod fifty-two persons on tho American side. Genernl nttnek by tho allies In Flanders and Franco. Dec. 10. Seven German cruisers shell Hartlepool, Scarborough nnd Whitby In England; at least ninety-five, killed and ono hundred wounded. |