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Show FARM ANIMALS SOLID FOOTING FOR HORSES Dvershoe, Easily Adjusted to Hoof of Animal, Invented by New Yorker York-er It Prevents Slipping. Tho Scientific American in Illustrating Illustrat-ing and describing an overshoe- for iiorscs, Invented by M. Blnckrnan, 204 Weal Eighty-second Btrcct, Now York, lays: Tho invention provides an ovorshoo (or horses which may bo easily ad-lusted ad-lusted to tho hoof of tho horse. Tho jvorshoo is provided with removable jolcs formed with calks arranged to i i Overshoe for Horse. provent slipping. Tho calks may be mado of a material that will not injure pavemontB and yet will furnish a good footing under all conditions. |