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Show Old Shoe Sentiment. Havo you had a pair of old shoes which proved so comfortable that you refused to Boll, glvo or throw away? Thero is a sontlmontnl respect for satisfactory sat-isfactory articles nfter tholr days of usefr'ness nro over but wo had hotter hot-ter draw a picturo of them or writo ourself a lottcr about them and lot them go. Hotter than that would bo to analyzo their dcslrnblo qualities and increaso our skill on such subjects. Tho aiticlo, tho ptcturo or tho letter might easily get away from us but tho skill would romaln ns a pormnnont stock in living nbllity. Accuracy in buying Is n blessing nil around to pur-chasor pur-chasor and seller and agent Know why. |