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Show LIKED HIS "NIP." Not a Whisky, but a Coffee Toper. Glvo coffee half a chance and with somo people It sots its grip hard and fast. "Up to a couple of years ago," i says a. business man of Brooklyn, N. ' Y., "I was ns constant a coffoo drink- ' or ns It was posslblo to bo, indeed, my , craving for coffee was equal to that of a drunkard for his regular -"nip' nnd tho effect of tho coffeo drug upon my system was Indbod deplorable. J "My skin lacked Us natural color, my foaturos wero pinched and my novors wore shattered to such an ex- tout aa to render mo very lrrltaole. I also' suffered from palpitation of tho heart. "It was whllo in this condition I read an nrtlclo about Postum Food Coffeo and concluded to try It. It was not long beroro Postum had entirely de- ' stroyed my raging passion for coffeo , and in a short tlmo I had entlroly given up coffoo for delicious Postum. "Tho chango that followod was so extraordinary I am unablo to doscrlbo it. Suffice it to say, howovor, that all my troubles havo disappeared. 1 j am ray original happy self again and on tho whole- tho soothing and pleasant pleas-ant effects produced by my cup of Postum mako mo feel as though I havo boon 'landed nt another station.' "Not long ago I convorted ono of my frlonds to Postum and he Is now as loud in Its prniso as I am." Name furnished fur-nished by Postum Co., Battle Crook, Mich. Look in ench package for a copy of .tho famous llttlo bdolc, "Tho Road to Wollvlllo." |