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Show Whllo wo were busy In our biinctuin last Tuesday the ofllco boy rushed In wide eyed nnd red bended, with the startling information that he had it local lo-cal for us As news is us scarce In our ofllec as cash seems to be in the pockets of our delinquent subscribers, wo dropped drop-ped our fubcr and paid close attention whllo tho garrulous youth unbosomed himself of tho following story: "I saw that every woman who passed Mr. Hunter's Hun-ter's gate stopped and stared at something some-thing by the sidewalk and so 1 thought 1 would go over and seo what they saw, I found n notice which read; 'Tho owner own-er requires trespassers to discontinue trafilo ovor these premises.' " The warning seems to bo effective, as "No trafilo" has been observed slnco the notice no-tice has been posted, |