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Show Old Poem by Wliittier I Tho first poem of Whittlor's over 'printed was "Tho Exile's Departure," which appeared in Garrison's Freo Press Juno 8, 182C. Tho next wa3 "Tho Dolty," published Juno 22 of tho samo year, and both theso aro collected. collect-ed. Tho third, "The Emerald Islo," nppoarod lnjtUo Freo Pross Aug. 3, Ji82o;ttxud waa novor collected. Whit-tier Whit-tier was 18 years old when theso lines woro written, and had not yet tho nd-vantago nd-vantago of tho acadomy, nor of any library oxcopt that of tho "wlso old doctor" whom ho mentions In "Snow-Bound," "Snow-Bound," Dr. Ellas Wold. Tho unfamiliar unfa-miliar poem is printed In tho Independent Independ-ent for October. BrlRhtly figure thy shores upon history's his-tory's pages. Where names dear to famo and to science sci-ence long known, Llko unsuttlnjr btnrs through tho lapse of long ages. From tho sea-girdled Isio of Ulbernla havo shone; Fair island! thy vales are embalmed In tho story Which history telloth of uges gone by, Whon OsBlun'a, proud heroes strode onward on-ward to glory, And ocean's wnvo answered their loud battlecry. Tho wild vino Is crcoplng tho shamrock Is closing Its foliage o'er many n dimly seen pile Whero entombed on tho fields of their famo are reposing Tho proud, peerless chiefs of tho Emerald Emer-ald Isle. And In far later years, with tho .purest M devotion, To the high causo of freedom full many- a son m Of the green Bhorcs of EJrln, tho Qcm of tho Ocean. " Fair evergreen laurels of glory has V won. W Tho martyred O'Neal and the .gallant Si,, Fitzgerald . ,B On tho bright list" of glory forover shall 9 Htnnd, And famo clrclo Kmmet, tho eloquent herald. Who wakoncd tho spirit and prldo ot his-, land. Thoy are gone! they aro gono! but their memories that linger On the shores whero they perish,- no wretch shall revile, No slavo of a tyrant shall daro point the-linger the-linger Of scorn at thoso sons of tho Emerald Jslo. Hlbernla! though tyrants may seek to-degrade to-degrade thoo, Yet proud sons of sclonco acknowledge their birth On thy bea-glrded shores, whose night genius has made thco Tho Gem of tho Ocean, the wonder of earth. Long, long, has tho halo of glory surrounded sur-rounded Tho memory of Brian, tho prldo of thy shoro; And o'er thy dim lakes and wldo valleys I have sounded Tho heart-touching strains of Corolan I nnd Mooro; O, soon may tho banners of freedom wavo o'er thee, Green Island of Erin! may Liberty's smllo To tho luster of primitive ages restore m thee, ' Tho Gem of tho Ocean tho Emerald Isle! |