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Show Hrai-HHHHHHHHHHHHHHVercst-HBHHHHHHHHHHHHffi n Hiilu the HHHHHHHHHHHHJ. fewer HHHHHHHHHHHWf c foro HBHHHHHHHHKt e r , HHHHHHHHHJrurey VclTect? pHHHHHHth n-e a HBHjBWTiscl.ool life; the election Wrg all over and settled now, school life is so quiet and dull that tho students stu-dents declare it almost unbearable, On Frlduy evening another of the scries of entertainments will bo held in tho new building. Tho evening will be taken up by a program from tho O phean Club, with dancing before and afterwards. The Phvslci class Is now wholly absorbed ab-sorbed in tho study of "Light." At the beginning of tho study of this subject two of the boys obligingly shaved their heads to ac. as relloctors. in order that the class might better understand th' s particular phase of light. |