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Show J Happenings in intermountain States. ; j DENVER.. I i . - - i ' I An important meeting .was .held in I the rooms of Father .Phillips last "Yed- uesday afternoon, at which plans were : I adopted for the erection of a residence I I lor Bishou Matz. A number of the j j clergy were present, and several sug- t I gestions were offered. I f The plan finally adopted. calls for a I double house, half of which will serve as an episcopal residence, and the other half be used by the priests of the ca-. ca-. . thedral parish. f Each section will contain about ten j rooms. The building will face on Colfax I avenue, and will adjoin the cathedral ,i grounds. There will be no connection I whatever between the two residences. I I The prk-sts present at Wednesday's j meeting were: Rev. Fathers Phillips. ! I Malone. Robinson, Carrigan, Francis I I . and Morrin. f , i As was previously announced in the I I columns of the Intermountain Catholic. I I the consecration of St. Elizabeth's I I church will take place on Sunday. The J j services will open at 6 a. m. and con- . 4 tinue throughout the day. During the week, a number of visiting prelates arrived. ar-rived. Sixty children and fifteen adults will receive their first holy communion at St. Leo's church tomorrow (June S) at I 7 o'clock. , ' . 1 ' I Father O'Ryan will leave Sunday morning for Victor, where he will lecture lec-ture Sunday evening under . the auspices aus-pices of the A. O. H. Tor the convention fund. His subject will be: "Genius of , Modern I'eland." On Thursday follow ing he will lecture on the same subject. ;ind for (he same purpose, at Colorado I Springs. Hissieeh will be a review of the literature' being produced now and in tin- past quarter of a century by Irishmen and women. tt Father Robinson and Father Carri- I gan are busily engaged in making prep- I arations for a picnic to be held by the j Annunciation and St. Patrick's parishes J at lierkely Lake on July 4. 7 ' The date of the wedding of Miss Relle THinphy and Mr. Peter S' haeffcr has ! been set for June IS. I The convention of the An ient Order of Hibernians will take place in Den- I ver during the flm week of July. I St. Mary's academy will hold its com- I inencement exercises on the evening of I June IS. I Several labor leaders called at St. J Leo's rectory last Sunday on their way I home from a meeting held at San Fran- I cisco last week. Among them was Mr. j I Lally of Boston. I II Denver friends of Rev. John F. Quinn. H ' pastor of the cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in San Francisco, are in receipt of cards announcing the celebration cele-bration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his ordination, which took place on May Father Quinn was pastor of the Den- ver cathedral about eighteen years ago, O ..-till .,,V V.,- ., number of Denver Catholics. Dr. P. V. Cailin and wife left for Saratoga. N. Y., last Friday night. wlire the doctor will attend the annual congress of American physicians. Tltey-will Tltey-will re:ra:n in the cast for several weeks, visiting various points' of. interest. inter-est. . , v , ' ' - ' ; Bishop Matz spent lust Sunday in Pueblo. ' . " . . .; , . - .: . y Miss Ellen Smith and Walter Eader were married by Father O'Ryan in St. Leo's church Iat week. Father Dempsey, , a classmate of .Father Callanan at Maynooth college in Ireland has been aipointed assistant assist-ant at the. cathedral. He preached on the Biassed Sacrament at the "11 o'clock mass last Sunday. Beginning with Sunday. June S, there will be low-mass and instruction every Sunday at 11 o'clock. The sermon and high mass will be discontinued until September. Father J. P.. White was called to his borne in Carbondale, Pn., by the ill-aicss ill-aicss of his aunt. Francis Larzin was received into the K'atholic church by Father O'Ryan last "week. . Special memorial services were held under the auspices of the Knights of St. John at St. Leo's church on May :i0. The chaplain. Father Casey, celebrated cele-brated high mass at 9:30. At the offertory of-fertory Miss Bertie Berlin sang "One Sweetly Solemn Thought." The Aandern club will entertain their friends at a picnic at Elitch's Hardens on Saturday evening, June 7. ! "" Mrs. John Lenent and children of "Waco. Texas, arrived on Tuesday and , .will spend the summer in Denver. j Father Malone will leave for the j i east on Monday next. , With solemn ceremony the church ' of the Annunciation at Leadville was consecrated on the Feast- of Corpus Christi. A large number of the priests Of the diocese were present and rar-Hicipated rar-Hicipated in the services. " The sermon was preached by Father iRobinson of Denver, who was first pas-.tor pas-.tor of the Leadville church. He was -sueroeded by Father Brown, who died 'in jsns. Father Gibbons of Denver is present .pastor, and to his zeal and energy is due in a exeat measure the success xf the Leadville church. Among the clergy from Denver who 'attended the oonsecrajion ceremonies -were Rt. Rev. X. C. Matz. Rev. Fathers i .Robinson, Malone, Phillips, Callanan, Morrin and Eusebius. PUEBLO. A Rev. Bishop Matz Administers Confirmation Con-firmation at Pueblo. The Rev. Bishop Matz of Denver ar- j rived in Pueblo last Saturday. On Sunday Sun-day ."00 people were confirmed by him 'in (he Grove churches. It was a busy ( : clay for the bishop and the local clergy, i and one of the largest classes in the history of the Catholic churches 1n this ' ' city partook of the solemn and bcauti- . .ful ceremony. Aftr the sermon at St. Mary's church a class about eighty persons, composed of both young and old. were confirmed. The class had been for some time under the instruction of Father Cyril and were adequately prepared, pre-pared, both in knowledge of the scriptures scrip-tures and in the articles of faith, to a.cpt the confirmation. The servicos ! began with arly .mass, and at 10::W Ij o'clo. k high mass was said at St. I Marv'.s church, the bishop assisting K I the sanctuary, after which the bishop j delivered the confirmation sermon, i which was one of the most eloquent j and splendid spritua! addresses ever .heard in the c.ity. The special music rendered for the occasion was very fin". , ' At Mount. Canwol church the service began at 3 o'clock and lasted over two hours and over 400 people received the benediction of the blessed confirmation ; servii-e. The sermon and music were ; dispensed with, owing to the great growth of the class. The class was I composed of Italians and Mexicans and ft was the largest ever had in Pueblo 1 1 Father Massa has done excellent If .Trk among this people, and to him is jt .ccrcditcd the success of the meeting. After this the confirmation will take place every year, instead of once in three years, as is the custom. ( The bishop, accompanied by Fathers Massa and Bruner, will visit Boone and confirm a large class there before leaving leav-ing Pueblo. f Mrs. Bessie Olds Dollis is seriously ill at St. Mary's sanitarium. Mrs. W. F. McCaffery, wife of Chief of Police McCaffery, is in Boulder visiting vis-iting her brother-in-law. .1. J. Langdon, who is in St. Mary's hospital suffering from the effects of blood poisoning, is on the high road to recovers. Mr. and Mrs. j' A. Lippert and daughter, of Cripple Creek: are the guests of Mrs. Mary Norton on east i Abriendo avenue. , The daughter of John McCarney is dangerously ill at the family residence j on Eaton avenue. j Thomas MeElroy and T. W.- Jones I left last Monday for a visit of several months in Ireland. Frank Kelly is confined in his bed with typhoid fever, at his home, the Mechanic hotel. Mrs. Robert H. McMann of Denver is visiting her daughter, Mrs. John H. Thatcher, 1913 Greenwood street. Miss Ada Lenore Reilly will leave in a few days to spend her vacation with relatives in Detroit, Mich. During her I absence from the city she w ill also visit in Chicago. ! William McGarvey, who came here from Jobnstow n. Pa., a short time ago, has gone to Buelah to locate. Charles Cullerton, who has been residing re-siding on east Evans avenue, is sick at St. Mary's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher arrived from Auburn. Neb.(' last week and are stopping with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reno, 221 East Third street. Mr. Fisher has accepted a position with J. I. Pearson Pear-son and Mill enter upoa his duties in a few days. j J ? I William H. Sweeney, jr.. has arrived home from the government hospital at Hot Springs, where lie has been for several months. . It is understood that his health has greatly improved under the treatment he has been undergoing and is now in the high road to complete recovery. - Mrs. McDonald, chairman of the relief re-lief committee for the flood sufferers, yesterday received by mail from the First National bank a check for $30. This contribution, brings the total up to $334.13. Secretary T. C: Maluney of the Pueblo Pue-blo Eagles is making inquiries about Tim Crowley, a well known Pueblo man who is reported to have been killed near Tlini(i(i -about May 15. Crowlev for vears worked at the in-t sane asylum here and was a familiar i figure about the streets. He left here some weeks ago to go to New Mexico, where he had a situation, and since then nothing has been heard of him. On June 15 a man.- said to answer the description of Crowley, was killed near Trinidad Sand" buried" there after an attempt' at-tempt' was made to find:oOt somethug about htm. Mr. Crowley was a member or Pueblo acre" No: 14V Fraternal Order Or-der if Sagles. and Jiis brethren are, anxious to learn his fatfs. BUTTE. Miss May McIIugh of Anaconda is a guest at the Finlen. John F. Burke, one of Anaconda's prominent youi:g business men, is stopping at the Thornton.' " Ed Kchoe. a prominent mining man of Tark City, Utah, is a guest at the, Finlen. .:. .- Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Murray of Great Falls are visiting Butte for a few days, anj are at the .Thornton. Sheriff John McMahon of Powell county was among the visitors .who watched the first meeting of the Butte Driving association Saturday. James E. Thompson arrived in the city from Missoula last Sunday, 'fend is stopping at the Finlen. He will be in the city for several days. Mr. Thompson Thomp-son has many friends here who are delighted to see im- James F. Maloney, proprietor of the Northern hotel of St. Paul, is at the Finlen. accompanied by hte daughter, Miss Helen" Maloney. Mr. and Miss Maloney have been visiting with Dr. Maloney of Hunter's Hot Springs, who is Mr. Maloney's son. Margaret Daly, as administratrix of the estate of the late Marcus Daly, has been made the defendant in a suit brought in the district court to recover J2.1.000. The suit is based on the ground that the estate owes the money , on unfulfilled contracts to buy land and water rights in the Warm Creek district.- Heretofore the Browns j brought two suits, one apiece, in which each of them sought to. recover $12,500. The separate claims "are joined in this suit. - ' , - William Shields, a shoveler; wasse-j riouslv injured in the Never Sweat mine "last night. He was working on the third Hoor of the l.soo-foot level when some rock fell - from overhead, and a piece struck him on the head, fracturing the skull. The man was j taken to St. James' hospital. Deputy Mining Inspector Barry was notified of the accident shortly after it occurred, , and made, an investigation of the ease, j EOCK SPRINGS. j Mrs F. P. Gridley arrived from Salt Lake last Friday. She is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Richards. Miss Eva McMahon took suddenly ilf iu Mondav evening, but, va arc glad to say, she is rapidly iiu proving. Miss Driseoll entertained the ladies of the Kensington club Friday after-j noon. J Miss Maud McCoy returned from j Denver on Monday, and Mrs. Reed and j Mrs Howell vesterday morning. All had a very pleasant visit in Colorado's gay citr. Tim Kinney has just unloaded a carload car-load each of the famous Schuttler and Bain wagons. - Thomas Brady, the freighter, pulled out for the Sweetwater mines Saturday. Satur-day. F P. Connor of Ro k Springs, who bar been the guest of his sister. Mrs. Pat Walch and family, returned home yesterday afternoon. Laramie Republican. Repub-lican. :' ' n " j Last Friday evening Mrs. Robert B. 1 Forsvth entertained in honor of Mrs. Joseph Young of Salt Lake City and ; f Mrs. Thi! PuSault of 'Green Liver., Mrs. Forsyth is a charming hostess, and enjoyment reigned every moment; during the evening spent at her home. Sixtv-threc added to the pleasures, , Mrs." Carter w inning first prize, Mrs. j Morton the consolation prize, and Mi Hff took special delight in carrying car-rying home the booby prize. Delicious refreshments were served. Among the ladies present were: Mrs. Juel, Miss Gridley, Mrs. R. Smith. Mrs. Rauch, Mrs. Sheridan, Mrs. Wipperman, Mrs. Treasure, Mrs. Ludvigsen, Mrs. Carter, Miss Allie Huff, Mrs. Policy, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Annie Thayer, Mrs. Charles Outsen. Mrs. Al Morton, Miss j Kendall, Mrs. Young, Mrs. DuSault, Mrs. George Goble, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. J Wassung and Mrs. Gunnell. Mr. W. B. Connor, the electrician at Cumberland, spent a few days here this week, returning home on Tuesday morning. RAWLINS. 'Miss Benett gave a delightful party Monday night in honor of Miss Cos-griff Cos-griff of Salt Lake. Or- Mesdamcs Moring and Frye entertained enter-tained a number of ladies in the parlors par-lors of the Ferris hotel Wednesday afternoon at "sixty-three." Miss Eliza-t Eliza-t beth Cosgriff carried, off the honors of the game and secured first prize. Mrs. Will Reid received the consolation consola-tion prize. Luncheon was -.-erved during dur-ing the afternoon, and all present had an excellent time. LARAMIE. E. T. Duffy, who formerly was chief dispatcher here, came in on first No. 5 Monday, with Mr. Dickinson. He is now employed by Clay Roberson company, commission men of South Omaha. T. F. Carey, for some time the proprietor pro-prietor of fhe Kuster hotel, moving a short time ago to Green River, nas continued on west to Pocatello, Idaho, w here, he has leased one of the best hotels. Mrs. C. P. Arnold and children, Thurman and Carl, returned Saturday from visiting grandparents at Salt Lake, and an uncle and aunt at Evan-ston. Evan-ston. The children brought some Belgian Bel-gian hares with' them. POCATELLO. - ,E. , D. Harrison, the jeweler, - and his daughter. Miss Edith, went 'to Salt Lake City last w eek 'to visit friends. The funeral of the little son 'of Mr. and Mrs. - Kasiska" . was held al 3 o'clock last Friday, from St. Joseph's church. In the absence of Fa flier Van der Donckt from the city, the services serv-ices were conducted by Father Moo-ney. Moo-ney. Mrs. John MeCarty entertained a few friends last Friday in honor of her mother, who leaves for Ogdcn tomorrow tomor-row morning. Highfive' was the pas-lime pas-lime of the evening, after which dainty refreshments were -served. .. Trainmaster Gcorg L. Hickey has returned after taking his son out to Payette for a visit with his grandmother. grand-mother. Mrs. J. M. Bennett. Mrs. Hickey is quite ill at Salt Lake City, and young ' Mr.- Hickey will visit in Payette until his mother recovers. Mr. P. O'Grady, cashier of the Citizens' Citi-zens' Savings Bank of Ayrshire, la., arrived in the city this morning. He is a son of Mr. A. O'Grady, the old j gentleman so cruelly assaulted here Monday evening and now- in the hospital hos-pital t Salt Lake City. Immediately upon receipt of the news, his son started start-ed for. Pocatello, and did not know-that know-that his father had beciCtaken" to the hospital until he arrived here this morning. Ho left on this afternoon's tiain for Salt Lake City. .Title news I from Salt Lake City is that - O'Grady j is getting along very nicely. When I first taken thei-e his nmid" was. still clouded and he caused .... considerable alarm by escaping from the hospital. He was soon found, however, and is reported much b?tter. .... . OGDEN. The closing exercises of the Sacred Heart- acaTjemy will take place on Wednesday, June IS. David Thorburn, grand recorder of the A. O. V. W., is out again after a long illness. V George J. Kelly, M. D. Lesengcr and A. H. Curtis jeft yesterday'for Kem-erer Kem-erer to attend a meeting of the Fossil Consolidated Oil company. 'Among the graduates at the Colum- ' bia university, Washington, D. C., is George McCabe. formerly principal of the Pingree school. The eighty-first annual commencement of the university universi-ty is now being held, at which he will graduate with the degree of bachelor of laws. : . $ Mrs. G. C. Linsley and son have returned re-turned from , an extended visit with friends in a number of the eastern cities. PARK CITY. Mr. William Donovan returned home Sunday after a1 week's trip through southern Utah and Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. 'Jc.mes Ivers, accompanied accompa-nied by their son. James, spent a few days in the Park, the guests of Mrs. Henry Welsh. " ; - The Very Rev. Father Larkin, president presi-dent of All Hallows college, was a visitor vis-itor in the Park last week, the guest of Rev. Father Galligan and other friends. .v 0 Rev. Father Murphy was the guest of Father Galligan for a few -days this week." Friday will be the feast of the sacred heart. Mass will be celebrated at 7 o'clock at St. Mary's church. Friday evening Miss Lizzie Connnelly entertained a number of her friends in honor of her brother, Hubert, who is on a visit from Pocatello. Those present were Misses V. and G. Fitzpatrick. Malone, Cunnigham, Corrigan and Shields; Messrs. H. and L. Malone. Wilkinson, McDonald, Scanlon and Connelly. The Cath.ilie church was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Sunday evening even-ing about 8 o'clock, when Rev. Father Galligan united in the holy bonds of matrimony Mr. Jerry C." Harington "and Mrs. Annie Driseoll, both of Park 'ity. The bridal couple were attended by Mr. and Mr.'. M. C. Harrington, brother and sister of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington will reside in the Park, where they count their friends by the hundreds. The closing exercises at St. -Mary's school takes place on the 20th inst. Next Sunday the Rt. Rev. Bishop Scanlan will .idminister the sacrament of confirmation to the largest class ever prepared in the history of our parish to receive the sacramenf. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Harrington and family leave here next Sunday for Ireland, Ire-land, where .ijey expect to spend 1hree months before teturning to their Park City home. Their son. John, who is j attending sch ol at Notre Dame university, uni-versity, Indiana, will meet them at I Chicago and accompany them 1o the : old sod. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington j carry with them the best wishes of a host of friends for a pleasant trip and a safe return. ' ? Mrs. Henry Walsh is visiting with Mrs. James Iveis in Salt Lake. , Ths A. O. H. was the largest in point of numbers of the societies in parade to the cemettries on Decoration day. Father Galligan was in attendance and prayed at each of the graves of the departed de-parted brethren.' : . . v ' The ladies aucilary of the A. O. II. will give a dime social to their members mem-bers and friends on Wednesday 'evening, 'even-ing, June 11. A splendid programme will be presented for the occasion. A. J. Higgins left for De Lamar, Nev., some six weeks ago, and anxious friends fear the worst has happened, as no word has been received from him up to the present time. . Mr. John J. Daiy and Mr. O. J. Salisbury Salis-bury of Salt Lake spent a day here in the forepart of the week. Mr. Pat Powers started Tuesday last in a two months' visit to the Emerald Isle. Mr. P. J. Walsh and Mr. P. Gillespie departed Monday for a few weeks' tour ; in Montana. Miss Annie O'Brien of Salt Lake is nie Walker. Mr. Itoady Powers is spending a few days in the metropolis this week. Mr. Mike Martin, the popular policeman, police-man, left Wednesday for a few weeks' recuperation in Salt Lake City. |