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Show WHOLESALE AND RETAIL f X HARDWARE AND GROCERIES. Q g MINERS' SUPPLIES of all kinds. O ylL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. Q LUEL II. HILL, Superintendent. 8 OOOQOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO " What is Worth Doing is Worth Doing Well." , A Good Motto On wo try to live up to. 4 ! GOOD PRINTING j GOOD BLANK BOOK MAKING 1 That's th kind wo do, arvd w would Ilka to do somo for yovi. Ji J Prompt and caroful attention paid to orders by mall. 1 F. W. GARDINER CO. 1 " 113 SOUTH WEST TEMPLE STREET. t J. S. BRANSFORD, Pres. P. J. HUDDART, Manager. I Salt Lake-Huddart Floral Go, i . j B SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. g No. 8 Main Street. No. 214 East Second Sonth Street S 5 ' ! 7 LARGEST GREENHOUSES IN THE WEST. 5 - Twelfth South and State Streets. $ 4 M M 393 333399 333 3i9i 39 393 333 339 3 333 393993 M ' " mmm m mmm tT) t, pi?P"r Good to the Last Bite j MM ApUy de8CIbe th0 tender, Juicy, fine flavored iiiT lrloiB 'teaks we furnish. Lots of other good i , thlLgs In the meat line, too roasts of beef, I f' .s'sf ( t'''' lamb 8nd mutton; turkeys, chickens, game; (.Tv?. pj-: sL ham, fresh and cured, etc., eto. Those who i T f ' V-l ' . 5 ' , A know speak weU ot our meats. You will If you ! t "''JC- - :Vin1 V TELEPHONES j VCj Office, 134. Order Department 169. Order Department, 913. Yard, 201. PALACE MEAT MARKET. I 263-263 SOUTH MAIN STREET. J THOS, J. NIPPER. Proprietor. j 0m, OFFERINGS OF RARE P VALUES IN IMPRES- lS SIVE APPAREL. ':Si ' Whether business men, tyro- $B2tj fessional men or working men, iWM0M0A all are outspoken in praise of our g &ms:0$$ Spring and Summer o2erings. 1 0M& We have earnd the enviable ? ttti:!W$ reputation of outfitting the best i X0lkMW Sroomei men of Salt Lake, and Butte City, Montana. This hard earned goal was at- pf0:$S3 tained by continuously offering ; fif' apparel of maximum qualities at fl$i?rfl2 minimum prices. ' lii Our mammoth showing of swell " ft " Spring and Summer wearables ;' W0a' ' Vlll has never been equalled in this ' H;fS? I't'i vioinity and the assortment of llWW styles and sizes is most complete ilfjf' and the prices are on a par with Iff S$ y$&-M the usual low "union" standards. f 1 Si Mi ft JMmmmMkK 6-63"B5 .. L co;r and Butte City, Moot. ; . in.- " ' i - mi i . 1 1 ,- ; ,- ..-,-,..-v --.7Ti,..:. , '. : .Tgaa TIME TABLE. IN EFFECT FEB. 1. 1903. ARRIVE. TYom Opden, Portland, Butte, San Francisco and Omuh;i S.W a iTroru Opden and Intermediate points 0. 10 as Trom Calieutes. Milford, Nephl.Provo and intermediate points 9.S5 s is ?rom Ogden. Cache Valley. Chlcapo, St. Louis. Omaha, Ienverand Intermediate In-termediate points 12:01 p. m. From Otfden. Chicago, Su Louis, Kansas Kan-sas City, Omaha, Denver and San Francisco 4.05 ' - 'From Garfield Beach, Tooele and Terminus 5.00 p rs From Tintic, Mercur, Nephi, Provo and Manti 5.35 pa From Otfden. Cache Valley, Butte, Portland and San Francisco 8.10 p m DEPART. For Osden, Omaha, Chicago, Denver, Den-ver, Kansas City and St. Louis.... 7.00 s m F r Tintic, Mercur, Provo, Nephi and Mantt : 7.30 m 'ForCiarfleld Beach, Tooele andTer- ninus 7.45 a a ForOsfden. Butte, fTelena, Portland, San Francisco and intermediate points 9:45 s n For (X'den. Omaha, Chicago, Denver, Kansas City, St. Louia and San Francisco.. 12.50 p a For Oijden, Cache Valley Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, St. Louis and Chicago 5.45 p n For Provo, Nephi, MUrnrd, Callentes and intermediate points 6.05 p a For Otfden. Cache Valley. Butte, Helena. Portland, San Francisco and intermediate points 12:30 a Daily except Sundays. T. M. SCHUMACIIKR, D. E. BURLET Act. Traf Mjrr. G. P. & T. A. D. S. SPKNuER, A. G. P. & T. A. City Ticket Oilice 201 3lain St. Telephone No. 250. ST?"0 AN0TH6 -rntl CURRENT TIME TABLE. Ia Effect June 21, 1903. LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY. No 6 For Grand Junction. Denver and points east 8:S0a m No 2 For Provo, Grand Junction and all points east '. 3:15 p m No 4 For Provo. Grand Junction and nil points east 8:20 pin No t() For Hinham, f.ehi, Heber, Provo, Mt. Plfiisant. Manti. Marys-vale Marys-vale and in't'i mediate points 8:0Ja m No 8 For Eureka, Payson, Provo. and intermediate points 5:C0 p m No 9 For Of-'den and all intermediate intermedi-ate points 6:10p iu No 11 For Oifden and all intermediate intermedi-ate points 11 :30 p m No 3 For Ogden and the West 11 :5." p m No 1 For 0rden and the West 1 :45 p m No 5 For O-.Men and the Wist 9:-M) a m Nc 102 For Park City 8:15 am ARRIVE AT SALT I IKE CITT. No 10 From Ok'den and all intermediate intermedi-ate points 7:50 a m i 'No 12 From Otrden and all intermediate intermedi-ate points 9:05 a m No 5 From Provo, Grand Junction and the East 9:40 am No 1 From Provo, Grand Junction and the East 1:35 pm No 3 From Provo, Grand Junction and the East 11:45 pm No 9 From F' ber Provo, Binsrharo, Eun-ua, Martsvale. Manti and intermediate points 8:C0 p m No 6 From Oden and the West 8:20 am - No 2 From Ogden and the West 3:05 pm v No 4 From Ogden and the Wet 8:10 p m No 7 From Eureka. Payson Provo, and intermediate points 10:00 am No 101 From Park City 5:15p m : Perfect Dininsr Car service. Sleeping Cars to Chicago without change. Ticket Office, KM West Second South, Post-office Post-office corner. Telephone 205. I. .1. mm, CE. A(iET PASSHXGEII DEPT. ' TAKE THE OVERLAND LIMITED VIA FOR THE EAST This Is the finest train running awl make , j many hours quicker time between Wyoming and Utah points and all principal eastern points i : EQUIPPED Durable Drawing Room Palace Sleepers. ! Buffet Smoking and Library Cars wltfc Barber Shop and Pleasant Reading Rooms. Dining Cars, meals a la Carta. Pintsch Light, Steam Heat. For Urns tables, foldera. Illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive ot the j territory traversed, call at J TICKET OFFICE, ZSXnm : . I IF YOU ARE GOING TO Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, New York. OR ANY POINT East or South See that your ticket reads 1a Missouri Pacific Railway. . j Elegant coaches, quick time and supers ! route ma this llna tna Poopls'" Xavoriw . The only line reaching Hot Springs, Arkan. I sas, the Qarlsbad of America. For maw ii I formation, etc., call on or address: 0. A. TRIPP, G. P. & F. A., j 1C5 W. Second South St. i Salt Lake City. Utah. i C. T0W.SE.D, C. F. P. J ST. LOCIS, a r l ) |