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Show AT SCHRAIVSSYl'S j EVERYTHING MOVES BUT ; J THE CARS.... ; I 1, a i C3 3 Bins. Katabllahed Wl W. J. IIALLORAN, Real Estate and Loans, ' 14 W. Third South Street SALT LAKE f"T! WE TRUST YOU POPE LEO XIII. msinitlcent picture I has been in preparation for many months by the best artists in the country. No expense has been spaied to m ;ke this picture appropriate appropri-ate even to the smuilost detail. L'pon the upper loft hami corner is a view of the VATICAN VATI-CAN AT KOiME: upon the upper riht hand corner is a picture or ST. PETLR'S CATHEDRAL CATHED-RAL at Rome, the largest church in the world. Between the two is the tiara worn by theove-reipn theove-reipn Pontiff. . In the renter of the picture encircled by a lnrce irnposins arch is a picture of Pope Leo XIII. taken from his latest photo graph, and givinjr one of his most benevolent I expressions of countenance. On either side of the arch is a representation of the cbulice: beneath be-neath them representations of six candle sticks, containing lighted candles Lower down on the arch is a representation of thu PopeV Insignia on the left side, and on the right is the Ostensoriuni. Beneath this, and supporting the arch on either side are two tigiires of antrels- , Underneath the photograph is a representation representa-tion of a rock upon which is ei.giaved cros. ' and underneath are the words: "THOU ART ' PETER, and upon this rock shall I build my church, and the pates of hell shall not prevail against it." This is particularly appropriate ! to every true belit-ver inasmuch as the Pope is the direct descendant of Peter to whom these; words applied, and who is described in Holy i Writ as the rock. The cross represents fie ? ! Catholic Church which Is built on the rock. ! I Underneath the rock are two kevs crossed to- i i gether with a rosary, and brnenth this Is a' tablet with the words POPE LEO XIII in most beautirul type. On cither side of the dablet is a representation of the rues of para-oise, para-oise, which are open to all true believers, and rn the other side are the gates of hell, which ate closed in the same manner to all tru be-eevers. be-eevers. There are many other beautiful and nppropriate symbols in this picture, such as flowers, censers, etc. It is altogether the most j lilaborate and costly production which has ever been printed, and is meeting with an enormous sale. EVERY CATHOLIC FAMILY WILL WANT ONE. and every true Cutholic will be . . doing a good work in bringing this picture be- i fore the Dotice of their friends. It has been ' approved by several of the prominent cleivy and is bound to give satisfaction . AGENTS j will undoubtedly reap a rich harvest if they start taking orders at once. Let there be no-delay. no-delay. Begin at once. We will OJMpiC CDCC if you will send you a OMI?irLL inCC promise to try and take 8 orders at cents each As soon as you have taken the orders we send you the pictures. You collect the money and send it to us and we send you a nice ring olid Gold finished, set with RUBIES and PEARLS abso- . lute-ly FREE for your trouble. If you take orders and collect for 30 atioc each we send vo a very handsome Gold plated wateh. either ladies or gents size. We have other premiums such us Pins, Bracelets. Musical Instruments. China Tea Sets, SilK Dresses, etc.. in fact vou can get any premium that you desire. Our i watches are all guaranteed to keep accurate time and our Premiums are exactly as repre- ' sented. Don't sell ir3sh, sell an article of merit and see how quickly vou can earn a flnc premium. THERE IS NO CAN'T ABOUT I IT. VOU CAN. Ad Jresstodav, HOME NOVETY MFG. CO., Box 1251, Stafon "O," Chicago.. ' : i I I I Headquarters for j STETSON HATS. " - t0t ! STACT ATtAivrg SHOES. Established 1871. 1 O'REILLY'S, Clothiers and Furnishers, i 210 flAIN STREET. j ONE PBICE. 2. Xh ItoDOAU) A CO - H02TASCH f Worklnr QothM. " SHTaiS. j : MONUMENTS .AND TOMBSTONES. I , . - t CALL OR WRITE J : 139 W. TirstSoutl - J) |