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Show I BIERBOVVER DEAD Is Well Kememliereil hy Salt Lakers. HE OXCE LIVED HERE i WAS ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY. Succeeded Captain F. J. Mills as Lieutenant Lieu-tenant Governor of Idaho Dead Man Had a Multitude of Friends, Both in Salt Lake and ia the State of His Adoption. f A dispatch to The Herald from Hois--. Ida., yesterday announced the d-ath ! Vic Bierbower. a prominent R-puh'i-can of that state. Mr. Bierbower was best known a3 lieutenant governot Idaho, which position he was cho u i to fill after the resignation of Lieutenant Lieuten-ant F. J. Mills. The deceased was ,t native of Pennsylvania. lie serv I two terms as district attorney in N I" braska and was twice elected a nvrr-ber nvrr-ber of the Nebraska legislature. He is well remembered by Utahr.s a.-' ' having served in the capacity of as-slstani as-slstani United States district attorn, y . f during Arthur's administration. Aft- r I moving to Idaho in 1SS4 he served as . ; district attorney, with Woed River a- headquarterst; as a member of th-? sta-e ' j senate, and acted as president pro tern- ; pcre of that body. Deceasee! mad hi.- - ; home at Shoshone for a number years and followed the profession ti" .: the law. In the storing- of istn he r-- " I moved to Grangeville and remain. 1 a ; i resident of that place until his .Kv. ' He wasi a staunch Republican in p v-- tics and was always at the front :'r. the party's battles. Mr. Bierbowr-r j had a great multitude of frier.. i?; ' - was a big he-arted man and was g-v- erous to a fault. He won friends by I his genial disposition, and wherever he f was known there is sincere regret at I hisj death. While he was in tin ft ii:' i brilliant man. he was a good lawv- r and was well informed on all re r.-' a' subjects, and his equipment wi.'.t sa h j" that he was able to command th, a- j tention of any community in which : e i ! lived. t |