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Show j DENVER NEWS. (Correspondence Intcrmountain Catholic.) Mr?. E. P. McGovern has completely recovered from her recent illness. So far the May devotions at the Cathedral Ca-thedral have been very well attended. The First Communion class at Logan avenue school will make their First Holy Communion on Sunday, May 20. The many friends of Mrs. K. G. Cooper will be pleased to hear that she has returned to Denver, after a delight- i iur sojourn in uaiuoruia. Denver. Colo.. May 1. Rev. Father O'Rourke and his niece have returned to Silverton. after a very enjoyable visit in Denver. Among the recent arrivals at the Lo-tjan Lo-tjan avenue school are Thomas and Mary Ryan, the little nephew and niece I of Rev. Father Malone. i At the 10:30 Mas at Logan Avenue j Chapel laet Sunday. Father Casey preached a beautiful sermon on the I Blessed Virgin, taking for his text: j "Thou art all fair, my beloved." Father Donnelly of Georgetown is go-1 go-1 ing to rpend a few months at his old home in Canada. During his absence his olace will be ably filled by Rev. Father Carroll of the Diecese of Alton. Al-ton. ' Last Tuesday afternoon the "Preser- j vation class" cf the Home of the Good I Shepherd gave an interesting entertain-I entertain-I ment for Mother Mary of the Holy Cross. Provincial Superioress of the or-j or-j der. i St. Francis de Sales' Fair opened last ! Tuelav evening with an address by Rev. Father O'Ryan. The hall was crowded, and from all indications, we think we may safely predict a grand success. On last Tuesday the Priests of the Diocese of 'Denver held a conference at Losan avenue school. Among the Priest- from other citiee? were Father Kinnev of Manitou and Father McCabe, both of whom were formerly stationed at Denver. - Notwithstanding the inclemency ot the weather. St. Elizabeth's Church was well filled on lat Sunday, as it had been announced that Rev. Father Pius would give an explanation of the mis-; mis-; s-ionarv work in China. Every one felt well repaid for having braved the storm I to hear him. i Rev Father Malone left Friday even-iing even-iing the 4th inst.. for Boston, where he wili attend the A. O. H. convention next week. Before returning to pen-I pen-I ver father Malone will visit Ireland. Frame and England. In the latter country he will deliver a scries of lecture lec-ture on "Colorado." During hi absence ab-sence The interniountain Catholic will have numerous contributions from his pen. Notice is hereby given that on Sunday Sun-day May 13th, the anniversay mass for C j Hickev, late supreme recorder of ilie C M. B. A., will be celebrated on the C M. B. A. altar at St. Elizabeth j church. 9 a. m. and that all L. C. B. A members of the city are cordially requested to attend in a body under emblem of their order Bv order of the board of C. M. B. A. record. AN1BR' ,' Recorder of the Board. |