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Show TATE Of OLEO BILL. Measure Will Now Likely Die ln tho House Committee. TRIBUNE SPECIAL. Washington, April 5 There Is a plnn on foot among Republican lenders lend-ers of the Houso to plgeon-holo the oleomargarine bill. The House committee commit-tee reported the bill originally with tho unointcd butler clause nnd tho Houso knocked It out. Later the Scn-nto Scn-nto put It on. Now the bill goes baik to tho House nnd must there bo lo-ferred lo-ferred to a conference committee. This must be done by unnnlmous consent. Thereforo ono objection may for a tlmo preient. nnd the bill will stay with the House Commlttco on Agilculture. where It Is likely to die. owing to the crush Incident to tho last weeks of the session. |