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Show SHEEP FOR THE RANGE. ,,p that or bnt adapted to ...hiieevd nils not yet been fi,. mi r '''' changes In . ftl'n t 1 toliiB on like Ww In the oiler cnun-'not cnun-'not o In the Highlands of ,fce bl k -1 IUglUanl ,j firmly "it I"""1! ns the ,r on th bord r, or us the ,, in 1 11 m "lre r,1 -, jntatn h 0 a' ns 0ltlnc- d i are II Wenslcsd lies , hir Th c ) In of the (,jJllfWnl P u not of any more- whu they arc to on their nati r unlains. nn I ,thirs na I "hi t those ,1 mount n It n cioss-,badon" cioss-,badon" with Ihcae, the me jMonl th villcy. nnl ,ti On oir Wi tein unges a Is Ta r v rse I Plrnt ,Utrl 1 on th1" rnges. nnrt ther and "R '" ""'her. Tho ramhm n In their breeding ,ar li Ih of tho ben t ilrl M the Mind and And li Hi J" I ,rl '" ot tllc tner 'H i r ' rlKht- "",l1 Jedounontoine 1 reed oi tjpe, in be V It en thr range with-id with-id litureof n'l n Wool xt not m .in tint ram rhnul 1 broBSht In to II- ranges from in wir Instill at the pros- ll u acout tht only thing it oom- but ur Is the lima flitint uhen romc genius nt kr is ill wc Uon n t J0 tbaliilll lo hr t nltptrd to odlinnj wllhuiit the neecs-jtwlu neecs-jtwlu 1-7 out lie blood 'J hla , ( 1 1 onJ th flilll ot man. tan ir thin tt on, lit one il r in may bo krtbu eik I Dili 1 under ind nhy It hould be under-wn under-wn -There either Is n sheep U net at th pr nt tlinr, ex-'itfriieth ex-'itfriieth n ri of the range la the Ju Is n nt of the wrlt-flinc-t Bin th conditions on arm. u i ot tin- came ns ulnth an if iountr cist cor are th t nil trull ir to lltlcit t (ir it 1 ritaln, from Jtl all oi 1 i I 1 ji come nt thn o ii to 1 formed It of ti ran do not ritertall bi ' Hi lierp nio 11 trims n th oimh tho Jinj cro - thit 13 being li i on a i type ran bo tint 1 r t Hi conditions : it f - J I j rlin"lng as a bit con" In the p ist tiny tthtr (h p t i) lino or too rncaot th r nil r tpe tlmt 1 t 1 rm li i inlet 1 or fo t a tool pr lu in- tyi e that a t 1 1 o mil li 1 1 rlflced I when a t( lias bpen adaptfj to th nrpds of tho It lilll t H 1rp i,, y than ' t on the ime mo nt tho me It win i mnro hardy It U a lln it 1 nd becnuso much that tl r ii(,o nrnscs ' I r It heii mma tfou M in fiom nbicnd nnd ynrang t, ,,, tht. cimnho " tins in (li dlif Hon op-Mto op-Mto if ai- m ti.niK imiii. enees, hence complete adaptation Is neer re ehed And third n considerable item In expense ex-pense would be ued could a man but I rcul his own males on the lange True, tho breeding of them would In-olo In-olo expense, but surely the expense woul 1 I .a less thin when he has lo puichse nt high prices and bring the rams In over many mile of tramlt It once n typo were established whlrli waa to bo perm-inem the breeder would then no longer hs.o to Import his rims They could be grown on tho range nnd for the range, Just as blael .faced Highland rains ate bred on the niountalnH and for, tho mountains moun-tains Those rams woiial probably wunt a little more attention than the ordinary lange cheep, especially at retain re-tain fi neons of tho enr, hut this could be eully Klien lo them as no nngc Is so rltiiatcd tint lome extra foud cannot can-not bo giow n on It cither at the foothills foot-hills nf mountains without Irrigation, or on lind oierllowcd with i aler feathered feath-ered Into draws The blood elements tint such n. range breed will pcrrs3 It mn not be po'-plhle po'-plhle lo deternilno nt tho prismt time This much however Is certain, lint Flieep Is wnnttl posr-cssed of csmntlalj that are ensily dtsrilhed Securing thoto essentliis may not be so ens. Hucli sheep must bo largo enoui,h to meet tho demands of tho market when nt a certain age At the present time they would need to glow lambs large enough lo weigh "0 to 00 pounds whn fattened for winter silo They should be lojsessed of all the slzo tint the natural grasres of tho rango will rus-taln, rus-taln, but they might not to bo one pound larger. Ihej ought lo hae n gool hhearlnB llecce of wool, dress inough to protect them In time of storms, but no mnro dress than will BUIIlco for that end and It ought to shear a Bod weighing clip And iibovu all such rheep bhould bo possesacl of that hardihood that will enable them lo I ear without devious injury and without piotectlon the rigors of the climate, except nt tho-e times when exposure ex-posure without protection would be unreasonable un-reasonable 8u?h sheep cannot pel haps be obtained ob-tained without blenllng the blood ele-inents ele-inents mdre less freely of -two distinct breeds, though In nrlns proportions Thro will be the Down, or dark-faced breeds nnd the Merino The former Is wanted to establish mutton qualities, nnd the latter to glo wool ot tho light kind Tho medium sized daik-faced breeds will probably answer the purpose pur-pose best nnd possibly tho same will be found truo ot tho Merinos The Del-lino Merinos oui,ht to furnish rams tint will answer well to give tho rtqul-slt- wool qualities, and a. fair amount of Inrdlhood And If Delaines could bo used without horns so much tho better In the end Tho trend ot fashion In all tho world at tho prcaent tlmo Is to breed off horns It will bo found however, that no one tjpe will ba exactly right for the entire en-tire ratiBe countrj There Is much illlTcnntn between tho cllnnte of an Arizona rnngo nnd that of a range, for Instance In western Noith Dakota Hero there Is a work for breeders ln tho rniiBo country that will brlns 1m-mortallts 1m-mortallts to someone when It Is completed com-pleted It iro bring Immortnlltv to several It is a work that will call for miirh skill and pntlei.ee, and also time. Young men. therefore, should take It nn, that they may have time to perfect It I'rof. Thomas Shaw, In American Mieep Ilieedcr |