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Show rortESTRY ASSOCIATION MEETS. Adjourns to Meet Again Tomorrow nt Cullen Hotel. The Utah Uoiestr) association met estcreliy afternoon In the onice of Stnto Superintendent of Schools Prof A. C Nelson, who Is president of tho otcnnlntlnn, to tike ncllon regnrdlng the icservlng of Ihe Wnsitch rings ns n forest reserve There being only ,t few members present, nnd the consign con-sign Inn ileimtiillng it regular annual meeting of tho nssoclitlon on April .tit the meeting was adjourned nrlous members preferring to hive tho nieellnir In a more central location of the ell) It wis decided to hoi 1 the meeting In the Cullen hotel on -Mondt) nUlit nt S o e lock Ilesldes the legtiln election or olll-ceis olll-ceis n suggestion of 8 i; Allen's to Btwk the tieirb) cniijons vvlth timber will also be aited upon According lo the cki in, of Allen there, nte bushels or black locust seed, senile red arotiinl I.lbeit) pirk 1 he suggestion of Mien Is lint If the children nearbv Hnmll ton nnd Webster schools could be Interested, In-terested, ihe) could gither the-se seed, which would be tuineil over lo n mm In Ihe employ of the nssoclatlon, who would, with discretion lant them In the ne-rby tinnns If tha suggestion Is ravorabl) voted upon committees will be apiojnted to confer with ihe school nutlunltles. the Mn)or ant the Clly Count II, with a view to having those olllclals cn-nper He Cattle Growers' By-Laws The executive committee of the Cattle Cat-tle drawers association of Utnh met eMerdny and perfected their orginl-zntlon orginl-zntlon li adopting a set of by ltws The also elected the three members of the committee who with tho presl-ib presl-ib nt nnd cietar), will form the board of control The mines of these members mem-bers were withheld for liter announce-luent announce-luent Iho board will Issue an ad-dreiee ad-dreiee to the cattle men of the State setting forth the purposes of the association as-sociation nnd a sstcinutlc cmvnss will be made In every county to Increase In-crease the membership It Is expected thit !eM0 or 3000 members tun be seemed se-emed and big convention may be held In October at the time ot tho semi-annual ilormon conference. |