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Show CUAHD THE Y0UNQ FOLKS. The developments of the last few daa prove thnt thero Is great need of energetic action In thin city for the protection of tho bojs. It Is seen that they arc loo much left to their own dcMcos. nnd that tho most awful con-scqucutce con-scqucutce may follow upon this parental pa-rental Indifference The rending nf the boj-H needs to be especially guarded. guard-ed. A lurid llt of Impossible stuff such ns has been published as n. boy'B reading, should never be allowed to bo In n boy's possession: It gives the joiithful mind suih a twist to feed on such stuff that the brain becomes Incapable In-capable of distinguishing tho right from the wrong. In such traBhy rending rend-ing the most extravagant things are lelated as the doings ot bojs, teaching lessons nnd alleging things ns admlr-ablo admlr-ablo that nro simply destructive of nil tummon sense and rational asplrn- llons. li tho boy nwny from homo nights? He sure he Is tailing harm. In he away from his rtudles or from work for hours ot a tlmo during the day? Tho parents should know whnt ho Is dolnp-how he Is spending bis time. Does ho run with n lot of Idle boys? He will soon be nn Idle boy hlmrclf, his head filled with the bogus delights of vocnbondage Does ho exhibit a tendency toward untruth? He then need the most careful attention, for Idleness and falsehood, uncheiked, pave the way to further violations of the decencies of life, and tho boy gradually slips Into vlco and crlnn', by' Insensible stages. If wo would have upright citizens, capable ca-pable and fit to carry on tho earnest business of life, to do their part In the works of biiBlncsa, motals, piety and humanity, and to reap the rewards of wll-dolnff, ther Is a very solemn and watchful duts due from the present pres-ent generntlor In this city to the generation gen-eration that will take their places ns tho veara go by. We adjure the people peo-ple to nrouse themselves and perform this duty while ct thero Is time. |