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Show MORNINO SESSION. Apostlo need Smoot Drew Moral From Collins Case. Apostle P.eed Smoot, who was the first to address tho morning session of conference after the opening exercises, exer-cises, rejoiced ln tho testimonies that hud been borne of the growth and spread of the sospel, and said when he thought of tho marvelous growth of Morrnonlsm during the sears since the church was llrst organized, he could see no reason to doubt that the hand of Ood had been over tho Latter-day Saints from that time to the pre'eht. He blleved wllh nil his heart, he nald, that the Mormon people will set teach the world the way to llvo nnd the only way to get back Into the presence of Almighty Hod. the speaker then told of lhe work of the Mormon people as coIonlierH, and said tint everywhere people are asking for the Mormon people to come and teach them how to make a new country. CONTHOL OP WESTEIW STATES. Apostle Smoot next lead nn article from a. New York paper, which told of the Browth and power of the Mormons, Mor-mons, and said It would not be long until they would hold the bilanco ot power In nil tho Western States, and commenting upon It, the Bpe iker said What If they did contiol nil of the Western States? I want to testify to sou todas' that If It were so, there Is no man or woman who would live with-In with-In the limits of those States but could have absolute llberts. No power of this church would ever take one whit from It. no priesthood of this church would ever Interfere with man a prerogative, pre-rogative, and I want to say It the States were controlled bs' Mormons they would bo controlled wllh rlfjht-eousness rlfjht-eousness and honor." The rejection ot a representative from the Church of lesun Christ of Latter-day Saints nt the World s I'ailla-inent I'ailla-inent of Hellglons was spoken of, and Apostle Smoot said It struck him that 'they were afraid of tho light that would be Bit en to Ihem bs' th03c who represent tho Church of Jesus Christ ot Latter-das Saints ' Apostle Smoot then paid a tribute to tho virtue of the Mormon people, raying there was not a people on the fate of tho earth that holds so sacredly the law of vlrtuo att ihcj , that while reports had been mado that there was some vice In tho church, nnd while thero was nny It was too much, still as a wholo thero was no people on the earth so mindful of the principle of virtue as the Saints. ItnrEIUtUD TO COLLINS CASE. Tho duties of parents to their children chil-dren were next taken up The speaker raid that the people of the world today do not believe ln having children, for they seem to think they nro a burden, but he reminded parents that children were n. blessing and should be Jewels ln their clowns In woilds to come. In this connection he told them thai If they did not watch their children more closels-, thero would be many other fathers nnd mothers making the same eiorts, wrung from tho nnsulsh of their souls, that nnothei father In this city had been obllBed to mako only Friday, Fri-day, when ho said. 'My boy has been the victim of the haleful Influenco of a depraved moral degenerate and the evil effects of dlme.novel reading" Apostlo Smoot then nndo n most ear-nest ear-nest plea to the fnthein and mothers of Zlon to be w atchful ot their sons and daughters to see where thes went, what they read who their associates weie and begged of them to not only watch over their children, but to pray with them lest thes fall under evil In-fluences In-fluences Apostlo Itudger Claw son, tho next speaker, dwelt at length upon the duties du-ties of tho priesthood of tho church nnd called upon them all to fulfill faithfully the missions assigned them APPEAL FOK CHARITY. A ery strong appeal for charity and forgl'.eness for those who had wan-deitd wan-deitd awns from tha g)spl was made bs Apostlo Woodruff who stated that presidents of stakes and bishops of wards nie often too unforgiving to the erring, and thought they would be severely se-verely reprimanded when the day of reckoning came The speaker said that hundreds nf thousands ot dollars ore stent In sending missionaries out Into the world, and asked why there should not be as much anxiety for thoce near nt home. Ho thought, too, that not enough ssmpathy nnd bratherly love was shown to the new concerts to the faith who 'como heio from foreign countries, and suggested thru It would bo n good plan for eath stake ot Zlon to offer to take ten or fifty of these families a sear nnd agreo to aid In eMabllshlns them In homes nnd bust-ntss bust-ntss CONDITION IN CAL1FOUNIA. Elder Joseph V lloblnson, who has been laboring In tho Cillfornla mission Jot some time reported progress In that 5. m "" faU ,,ial ,l1110 thc People of California were tolerant they weie In different to the gospel tint thes were a pleasure-seeking und mones -making ccinmuiilts His opinion was that the recent visit of the choir tn thnt Stnto had broken down the birrlers of prejudice preju-dice In the minds of mans, and would be the cause of inmh Inqulrs about tho Saints nnd their work Aller a song bs the choir nnl the benediction a rctess wns taken until 2 o tlock. |