Show i t DONT DON'T FORGET THE THEAT GRAT SHO SAL AT S' S MAIN STREET Follow the Crowd You'll get the Best Shoe Bargains ever offered in this city VERY EVERY SHOE SLAUGHTERED fOR bR THIS TifiS SALE Except Queen Quality OUR BOYS BOYS' AND GIRLS GIRLS' SHOE WEAR VINCENT SHOE CO i J II Ai t w- w j DURING DURING FEBRUARY ONLY ONLY Y Drs Shores Shores will treat all catarrhal risen disc Including deafness deaf deat- ne ness s hay fever asthma and lun lung troubles during February for lor the low Jow fee fec of or one per Iler treatment or US 15 for a cure cur fret free By lly moans ot of Dra Drs Shores' Shores i wonderful New Treatment they are arc enabled to cure curu many mild mildor or recent cases ses In a very few treatments treatments even even tho old oltI and anti chronic cases casel may be cured for 15 1 Why suffer from catarrh when wIzen you can b be cured forU for tor forU torU U a a. treatment Drs Shores also treat and cure all Nervous Chronic and Private vate Diseases of or Men Mn Women omen and Children of oC every zino and anti nature Drs Dr Shores Shores' EYE D PAR DEARMENT for tor the quick cure of oC nil all Eye Eyo Diseases and for forthe forthe the tho proper fitting of glasses Is Ia unexcelled being In charge of oC a Specialist of or the tho Eye of 27 7 years' years training Consultation and Free Fro and Lad COlO- COlO Confidential for Cor any disease Call or write A SPECIAL DEPAR DEPARTMENT FOR MEN NIEN Dr Shores have a Special Department exclusively for tor the treatment and cure euro of oC all private diseases of ot Men Lien whether caused by Ignorance exe excesses or contagion You may consult Drs Dr Dr Shores about tho the most delicate or embarrassing private troubles with tho assurance ce that you will be given Iven honest advice and skillful treatment and everything c will be STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Young men who have havo been led Ild astray by byr r- r lad had companions middle companions men who havo havn gone ROMO to excesses old excesses old men who find their sexual vl vigor or gone gone unfortunates who have havo contracted diseases the victim of oC Blood Poison and Poison and all U others who need tho the counsel and aMot aid aM DR A. A J S SHORES of ot experienced and kindly physicians physicIan are cordially Invited to consult this thu department and be advised d dIf HOME CURES BY MAIL If 1 FREE OV 01 CHARGE CHAnG I is the tho Cure under OUT OF TOWN N So sure eure IF IP YOU LIVE MODERN DRS SHORES SnORES tor t Drs Dry Shores Shores or METHODS in all private diseases diseases dis dis- dis WRITE W RITE R ITE I 4 th their lr new symptom list that arrange advice tree free eases cases you may and get Ket their to pay the tho fee tee for tor a I Cure In tn small weekly or monthly In Installments In- In W WEAK E A K M MEN E ND as us the tho cure progresses pro pro- WD grosses or you ou may P PAT A Y So-called So W Weakness In men t I lu merely mere mere- WHEN CURED No matter ly Iy a n. symptom of ot chronic what your trouble la is 19 or who gland eland brought on by has halt failed ailed to curo euro you consult con con- In the prostate dissipation or at by the Improper suit sult these Master Specialists early contracted disease free reo of ot charge an and learn how howA treatment of oC some radical cure euro Is therefore there there- you c can n y yet yot t be bo cured CALL 7 A A. complete and Oil OR WRITE WHITE fore taro a question of ot restoring the prostate pros pros- tate gland eland to its normal state and this Drs Shores Shores and completely complete complete- accomplish promptly ExPERT we EXPERT SPECIALISTS SPECIAl ly without the tho use ot of In Internal tome rome j HO houston Hounton n Block 19 Main St. St en dies Our treatment IB is a a. scientific local f one O and opposite O'Brien's Keith Store Star u.- u. It is s or original J n and SALT LAK CITY by has been proved absolutely We Kro are arc effective convinced Office Hours Week Hours day I thO thousands thousand 9 of tests testa S methods can full tull and n a. a m. m to D r p. p 1 in Evenings 3 7 1 t tS t. t that n by Y nO no restoration other othor r of oC strength ao and S p. p m. m and DR R. R O 0 W SMOKES permanent nb n t 10 JO a. a m. m to J 12 noon vigor f be accomplished IL A 3 line clas classified ad In lu The Hc- Hc RepUblican will Sell It Rent TIent Rent It or It-or or Exchange Ex Ex- Ix- Ix pUblican change chango It It cost costs lI but t 10 eta for each Insertion Or i We collected corrected fifty honest dollars for G G. F F. Culmer r. r Bro the other day It was d' d 13 1 3 2 1 1 2 years old We can collect some for you if you turn in your claims Red streaks exist in everybody Merchants Merchants' Protective Association ion Scientific Collectors of Honest Debts Fifth Filth Floor Commercial National SAUl SALT LAKE CITY OITT G. G LUKK LUKI General Manager er Sonic Some People Dont Don't Like Lilo Us wr o Sg R yH 7 p BOOKS BOOKS AT YOUR OWN PRICE PRIC Volumes to Select From LARGEST STOCK IN UTAH business and antI will inako malo you prices on Wo We are closing out our New ew Old or Rare flare Books that cannot be lie duplicated anywhere RE REMEMBER E TIlE THE PLACE PLACE- Shepard Book Co Opposite Hotel Knutsford State Street F 1 i AJ J i L Li i i i. i 5 S- S lt li s- s ji S |