Show V. V U iM l. l E Seven Troughs IU s s fi fl d. d iW MI ii iiI I Gold Mines C t ofA r f J C C. C W W. KNUDSON C C c. E. E HA HAWVER Brigham City Utah Salt Lake City r V I Vice President f r President V i I V JAMES HALVORSEN HAL GULBERT ULBERT L L. OLSON i. i V V it VV Cashier State Bank Banks Brigham City V V V Salt Lake City V Treasurer V Secretary I V I 1 Incorporated Under the laws of Utah for One M Million Mil iI- iI I J J lion Shares Shares in the Treasury II I This This' company owns the GROUP of claims in the midst of Seven Troughs Mining District V Nevada These were the first locations in the district being the claims upon which W. W A. A Stauts the pioneer prospector there grubstaked by Joe and A. A Borland found the first gold in the camp The group consists of five contiguous claims Upon and appurtenant to them are the waters of Seven Troughs Springs all right to the of which are owned own d by this company for milling purposes The group is adjoined on the east by the Kindergarten Mine from which the first shipment of ore is V being made from the district This ore is being taken from within 35 feet of and is being worked right up to the east side line of the Group within a four to five foot ledge upon which leasers on the course of this ledge as it extends through the Group are now sinking in ore Open cuts have exposed at atthe atthe atthe the surface other rich veins in this group upon which leasers have commenced to work It is the ground wi which leasers choose shares of the Treasury Stock o this company has been set aside by the file company for sale at 50 cents per share which offers to the public the SAFEST AND BEST INVESTMENT IN SEVEN TROUGHS V the the coming Goldfield of northern Nevada V V Subscriptions for this stock will be I received at the company office V Scott Building Salt San Lake Lak-e City on application cation to VV r CULBERT L. L o OLSON Secretary V. V I BUY Fine File Gold oM Treasury Stock I Only l Twenty l Thousand Shares more inov to 11 he hold ro for PER SHARE boom Is Js coming on II SI SEEN TROUGHS STOCKS Subscribe now v or you oU will be sorry We Ve arc selling agents for this stock Call and see us R. R A. A BARNEY CO GO Stock Brokers 2 Atlas k Salt JAM JAMES ES A. A POLLOCK CO Bankers J rs n and d nr Brokers 8 S W. W SECO SECOND SOUTH ST. ST Salt Lake City Private leased wires over LOO AND BRYAN system Orders Or ers promptly executed on NEW YORK BOSTON AND SAN FRANCISCO Stock Exchanges and Now Nw York an and Boston CURB mar mar- Liberal advances ad mn made made- o on all V listed securities V BOTH TE TELEPHONES S 57 57 WM H. H WEEKLY MARKET LETTER tt Gives valuable Information regarding mining Interests in Utah and Nevada Nead e a a. a Call for copy 3 HERALD LD BUILDING CITY t Telephones 1081 V I JOHN C. C C CUTLER JR INVESTMENT Il BACKER DAI 1 Established 1893 BONDS SUGA ST BANK BAr STOCKS V Other High Grade Bought and Sold Both Phones Phone la 16 5 Mali Mai lit ft t. t f |