Show WIlY WHY IS JS TIlE THE COAL SITUATION lIO It is interesting to know from the results of the legislative legislative leg teg- Inquiry that there thero Is Js not enough coal in iii Salt Lake because not nol enough coal has brought t to Salt tL Lake But nut the wh why of the matter Is little more clear now than at the beginning The fact that a portion of or Utah coal has gone to satIsfy satisfy satisfy sat sat- demands outside the state should hould not be accepted as asan asan an adequate reply to the question There Theres There's js s plenty of or coal In Iii Utah for all the states stales demands and still enough trade ratio beyond state t lines hues Our coal producers should be beable beable beable able to keep Utah comfortable an and amid still maintain a a amar market mar mar- ket In Nevada e If it Is inadequate railroad equipment let Jet tho the fact beIm bo be Im known wn and anti let let the thc people of or the tho state understand The They are arc not unreasonable hat What the they want is coal In winter is plenty of oC coal in Iii the state for all nIl necessities Thc They will either have that coal know the tho reason renson and cease to demand the Impossible or they will vill go forward clouded with misinformation n. n and resolved on reprisals 8 that will vill do neither thorn thom nor 1101 the companies any good This hearing should mal make mak c the basis of or a bettered C condition before the coming of another There MUST be coal enough for the people people-for people for domestic do- do and for tor manufacturing purposes |