Show TIlE THIS l ESP EAST Sl IS CHANGING ITS TONE In regard to tho the case of or Senator It is a pleasure to note noto that tho the sentiment of oC tho the East is changing This Is very vory likely duo to tho the fact that the East has lIas learned a learned a little late maybe and for fol tho the first time that time that Senator Smoot Is not and never was a poly poly- For example we take the following from tho the Boston Doton Journal nal An attack has just been leen made malic upon Vice President Fairbanks b by a local cl clergyman because he ho called Senator Senator Sen Son ator Reed Smoot to tho lie chair o of the United States Stales senate during his lila temporary absence from the chamber The Tho clergyman declared that it was a bid hId for votes voles on the part of the vice president In the coming Republican national convention Although politics especially naI national na na- lIonal politics always alwa's seem out of or place In the pulpit I this attack was even more weakened by tho the manner in which tho the clergyman proceeded to flay la Mormonism in tho the next sentence As well char charge e the vi vice co president with seeking the Southern vote ote whenever he called a Southern senator to tho the chair or 01 of or tho the Methodist vote yote whenever he called a Methodist senator I A year ear ago It would have been difficult to find such I Ian an expression of opinion in an any Eastern paper particularly particularly I In one ono of or Boston Doston And n hero here Is an editor who runs full tilt directly at tho the pulpit when ho he sees undoubted d reason for challenging the tIme utterance of or a misguided min mm- ister Tho The thine- thine is more because tho the Boston Advertiser of February y 5 expresses the growing unwillingness oC or the country to be stampeded b by the hysteria of oC the I Kearns earns crowd Here hero Is a statement of or the the- A Advertisers Advertiser's Advertisers Advertiser's Adver Adver- vcr vcr- tiser's view The Tue Utah opposition t to Smoot evidently e fears tears that Smoot may keep his scat seat for tor the reason that extraneous I Issues ues have boon been Interposed Interpose Religious persecution will bo he worked ked as ns a battle cry y for Cor Smoot It is believed and anti party palI fealty will back it up It Jt is prophesied The Tito Salt Lake Lale Tribune representing the tho Utah opposition to Smoot thus characterizes the tho situation as it Il appears there Tho The exclusion of or Reed Smoot as recommended recommended mended by the committee will have a tendency tendency ten ten- dency lency to mako make peace for this suffering long commonwealth Notice will thereby be bo served ser upon the tho of or the tho Mormon church that their attempts to subjugate ate civic government to their theil- own control and anti to make malte of It a mere adjunct ad ad- Juliet to ecclesiastical rule will no no longer bo be tolerated b by tho the nation They will vilI thereby bo be compelled co to recede from their theil- political 1 activities ac ac- ac- ac tI emit and anlo with that recession will fall much of their evil 11 power powel and their law breaking in n directions But nut the Smoot case caso is yet t an incident accor according ins to this foe of the Mormon church and all that therein is Recognizing the tho lU likelihood 0 or Of Smoots Smoot's retaining lite scat tho lie Tribune says S1'S However oven en in the midst of oC such a deplorable de tie- situation the patriotic citizens of or Utah will continue to prosecute In their war for freedom free free- dom So long as Reed Heed Smoot stays slays in the senate he lie will ill present a living JI example of the tho fact that the of or the Mormon church are able to execute their plans for fOl- political rule Outside of Utah anti and Idaho It has been boon difficult to Impress tho the United States that this is so great gi r a menace as the Tribune and Its companions think It touches the nation at too few points point compared with other i issues sues now before us The Utah folk say gay the tho Issue will grow lOW till WI it spreads all over o the nation but tho the nation reu refuses i-eues cs to bo be convinced Awa Away from homo home tho the intolerant Kearns campaign campaignS campaignS' S' S to suffered d TI sa sort same rt 0 ot as lias ome I 1 lUJ ti I t 0 v. v A |