Show e eV V Park GI City Park Pari City Feb 15 Miss Miss Elizabeth Gibson youngest oun cl nu l daughter of or Mr Ir and Mrs s. Jarc James Gibson of ot this c city an and Mr Mi 11 Grover Gro GrO el Burns wen ner 11 married yesterday yes yes- lerda In Rev He 1 D. Q Oi tit r the lie Congregational church chuch of Park City performing the lie ceremony at tho the Cl County Count court house The They will wJ make make- then their Home homo In this cl city Mrs Irs Sarah arAh Algood has leased the Hit lw Windsor hotel hole in Salt Lake and und will wi city ully in lo of If l' l remove 1 IHO e to the tho el a a. ou couple ec cek with iet family to lo take charge of oC the he fl pla c. c James Jame Waters I Is looking hooking i Cel after affair at the tho Windsor or until Mrs Mis ln Algood takes charge V Tile The Modern Woodmen V Q of oC AJ America lla had tin tw Interesting sc session slon lust last evening even In lug ing when they heY Initiated several sc new now members Professor II I IJ II Younger has completed com corn arran arrangements fur for a lr grand baland ball bal ballan an and also a matinee on Washington's affair to take place lilac at atI Motile Maple I hall hail The Tho same evening a concert coni con con- V i cert will 1 bo be given JIen in Ul the L L. D S s. hull halt halt Mr lr 1 ml H Saunders Maunders hn hag lel hetts d ll the I boarding c ut ul the tho Ontario n mine I 1 and nd iid takes talu chargo o this Uila morning This is a a. a a new departure rc In ParK PurK City where Chinese c cooks have ayt been een lb 1 I lid Id d Boyle loyle for rOl orl lo years eurs the tho see see- sc l i ll ot of the Miners Miners' union came caine Cile to Park this morning to lo shake han hands s lh old oM friends Mr Do Boyle le has Just returned from Colorado Colordo wh where he lue at atten attended at- at ten tended et the hc funera o of his broth brother r. r who WR 3 one OhiO one of ot the victims of oC the late disastrous sno Mr MI f Boyle Jea leaves heaves ves tomorrow for fOl Butte Dule where he has been working since leaving Park two i years caf ago ugo |