Show c JUMPS INTO CANAL Miss Minerva Hall Rescued From Water by Passersby What appears to he 10 an attempt at suicide occurred about S 30 p. p m. m Friday evening when Miss Minerva Hall hail aged ageel about 20 years was seen icen to Jump Into the time Ninth South canal near First West street Robert Hobert Smith who was standing on a bridge a few feet teet from where the jumped went vent to her hOI rescue and antI with tho time aid of Will Little who was passing at atthe atthe atthe the time succeeded in Iii getting the girl out of ot the stream and carried to a u. nearby house In a purse put which she had In her hand was found a n two two- ounce bottle of or carbolic acid After Arter being taken to the tho house she became violently UI iii and It was believed cel for awhile that she had taken some somo oC of tho the contents of ot the bottle but later Inter developments de tIe- showed showe that she had not Soon after being taken to the tho house she recovered to talk tall and asked that lice Iko Ryan be sent for She stated that she he hc was on the tho way down downto to hIs home when the accident happened hap hap- She denied that she had at atI attempted attempted at- at I tempted to commit suicide but re refused refused ro re- fused to say why or how she sho came cameto to tan fall into the canal C Ryan Byan arrived soon after atter At first ho said ho-said he ho did not know the girl Ho lie admitted later however that ho he had hac hipfl n keeping with tho the girl for three years Sho said that there thero ha had been no trouble between them and ho was to account for the girls girl's actions Outside of a good wetting Miss Halwas Hull Hal I was uninjured She was able to be betaken betaken taken to her homo home at nt 7 10 Poplar avenue |