Show LOWER MAMMOTH SOON TO BE HOISTING ORE John D Dorn Dern rn who returned yesterday yesterday yester yester- day from the TIntic district says AAS that the work vork of installing the new nev hoists in the Lower Low Mammoth mine Is pro pro- grossing ro as rapidly l as could b bo be ex expected x ox- with tho the delays inevitably ill ni- to such an undertaking It is exp ct 1 to have them In readiness for hoisting hoisting- oro nrc by the 1 first hirst of or the lie coming com coin lug ing in month The new shaft from the tunnel level cl of tho the Humbug property Is under w way It Is expected that the foot Cool point will ba bu reached b by the lie end of February From FlOI this tills point a n. drift will vill be run to tho the vein oln about H ICO O feet distant |