Show hood of nr If American Yeomen After Afler their regular meeting la last l Monday evening e Salt alt Lake Homestead Xo No 0 I 1132 treated their members r and afew n a few rew invited In S guests to a nice lunch time the next half bait hour hoU was wn ns spent In Iii solving lug the tile mysteries of or a n grill grab bag hag which n was prepared U by some of or the tho lady hatly members Interspersed with wih a few vocal ocal selections Lions tOn by some of or time the talented members mem hers bers dancing was us Indulged 11 In for fm the rest of or the lie evening c Tile Tho fil Homestead has haR ordered a n till full set Rt of regalia for 01 forthe forthe the team tam to bo lie used In degree he l 1 Initiatory I work worl anti and they expect to tu I put through a n largo class the tue latter part of the tue Iw I m month o ii t ii |