Show Classified ads flIS under lIel ITel Help Wanted 1 Male Malo or lr Female and antI Wanted 1 i lion bit arc run run three In The Tue Republican free Cree DRUNKENNESS CURED A positive and permanent permanent pCr- pCr per per- manent cure curo for drunkenness and drug addictions Branch Par Parent e for n t House Dwight IlL Il Correspondence con con- IY i 33 31 W. W S. S S Tern Ter St. St Salt Lake 1 City Utah Utah REPUBLICAN WANT COLUMN Volt TOll rOI s. rJ nB J IE 1 ACRES TIMBER LAND I 1 IN I ND Stone county Missouri for sale or will trade for In S Salt l Lake real wll cs- cs tate tute or desirable mining stock stock The fht above land Is In southwest Missouri the tho land lant of or the big red rel apple MissourI aurl timber alone insures future Increased value Good Gool tillable soil Rol after removal remo t of or timber Address as Republican or 01 call cal Bell lel phone 1003 lO-K lO UA tf U t tA A DARGAIN BARGAIN BARGAIN-A A ROO 5 ROOMED E-ROOMED HOME n rods ground In Jn tho the favorite residence resi resi- dence s section of or Provo four blocks H from the tin B. B n Y U. U for Cor fl 11 Ii Inquire ot of O. O W. W Jarvis Provo U UNION I REAL HEAL ESTATE BUILDING G and ant In Investment mt Co It It will i pay you ou to lu sec see them for Cor or on the installment plan 63 Gy W. W y Second South Instalment HA CK REAL HEAL ESTATE ESTAT AND INvestment INvestment INvestment IN- IN vestment Co can fit ft you out with wih fm any any- thug In the tue real real- estate line Suite 0 II I. Walker Llo blo k k kLIST Sule LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US we do to th the rest rest Can JO IS 1 U 1 South Temple emple st st MARIGER NO 10 11 1011 E. E 2ND SO WILL eJ your ou property not jot lon long to lo W wait II I JI s A A ti o I 11 jl ii ruu we Jl nu 37 uc on funeral designs and ant everything floral 31 a RICHARD E. E F. F EVANS VA 8 SJ 16 MAIN MUN ST. ST both phones plumes WL GL L lIes s. 1472 Hi Indiana na ave Dve Wt WANTED E TO 0 RI RENT T A HOUSE OF IOli OR live five rooms with wih a a. half hal f acre wr or more ground located In southeast or 01 south part of or the dt ily i-ily party part with wih such property prop prop- crt erty orty cnn cart secure good tenant Address 31 Republican or cull call cal Ben Bell phone 1003 I 1031 1 t tf C TO 10 BUY nuy A i 73 75 OR lOO t E POWER three phase motor Atlle Address P. P O. O lox box s Salt i Luke Lake CI City stating slating P particulars r I SEWING G OR DRESSMAKING 33 33 SO 80 O. O EasL Enst Ind phone hone 1393 ST ST. STATE TE REPRESENTATIVES SI TA I IN Mon Montana tana Idaho Nevada Wyoming yom California T Texas Arkansas experience is not necessary and lady lat or gentleman genteman can represent S us J J. D 1 Stewart company com corn pany l Constitution block EXTRA Li LARGE Fl PROOF FIRE SECondhand SECondhand SEC- SEC hand ond-hand ont hand sate safe Address A with ith mrs lars lars Box Dox 91 98 1 YOUR OLD CLOTHING WILL CALL Salvation Arm Army Both phones 12 MEN EN TO LEARN BARBER DARBEn TRADE wages while learning situations plen plea tools given particulars rs free fre Cree Moler Moter Mo- Mo ter ler System College 6 62 E. E E 1st So fo ALL KINDS OF SECOND HAND D furniture carpets stoves and amI ranges Larson tc l State Bell Del 2123 HIGHEST HIGHES PRICE PAID FOR zon HIDES pelts scrap Iron old rubbers rags rays botte bot bot- te tIes copper brass etc Utah Junk Co 63 G 3 E. E E Eighth South Tel Tel TO BUY llY HOUSE 5 G TO 7 nOO ROOMS IS FOR FOn to Y 20 9 P down state slate price and und location I IX i E. E South U H HORSES AND MULES ILLES FROM 1 1 pounds up 3 to S ars old broken or 01 orrange range stock J. J E E. I Ford ort Minot ND ND I II I PERSONS S Lf LEAVING LEVING YING TIlE THE Tie CITY FOR four our months or longer wishing to pace paceLI JOR a LI home homr in the carp of oC reliable L parties s scull cull call Bell Del 33 2327 7 Ind lad 3 ISO 1 n nTO I TO Fro N STABLE LARGE LAnGE ENOUGH for Cor or three box stalls antI and one stR stall close In Address ant P. P 1 Ole O. O box sil lt 17 Suit aI I Luke e City Li LiAN 24 1 AN EASTERN DRESSMAKER WISH WISH- OH tM a few moro mora customer prices rea reo- Wesl t SC South So 21 I PLAIN SI SEWING VING I G T TO DO AT infants infant's outfit and children's childrens clothing a specialty S E E. So Se SQ Temple Ih T Tl l 1 I 21 HELP Jl I ENERGETIC N LADIES TO fetters I at t home hom rapid writer sh uh t earn arn at mit the LImo rate of oC Jl I Crt to t 3 2 lIC per I day work sent L by my mal mull mail Address s th the II n. WB W V B B. C Conrad nr Publishing Publishing- Co j O. O 1 sll frt t Philadelphia Pa Va I n Wol WOMEN FOR PO CIA CHAMBER wd u IM- IM I or 5 G hours' hours work works a dB day nG South State Slate 13 11 MIDDLE AGED GED CHAMBERMAID n 00 li CJ from ruin rom U J u. u 1 m. m to C p. p m. m 1 fc S S 1 per I w k lk At t Lincoln house hous J 11 GIRL Rf FOR FOlt GB GENERAL HOUSEWORK small sinai smal rum family I wages per pC wt week k 27 27 Wc West V st t tIa th South Houth i J js GOOf GOOD GIRL W lI f FOR FOlt liI n- n at 1 il housework Camly family wages WaitH G Rout South Main la n S A GOOD GIl GIRL SNAP SAP J D IJ eat t wa wages Apply ut at at once tin 81 South J I I Kast ut A sel SCHOOL GIRL TO 10 10 WORK wom poi FOU ln hr r board hot and ant room Ap App Apply h 72 rz 1 So nth First Jr t t. i Soth zt 2 irN TEN LAD IKS JS S TO 1 painting on pillow top lop enay to la loom p. p m nj 1 Room nUOI- nUOI I HotI Dal Daly n it 1 |