Show I 4 ti- ti s Slant Shut Out Onto i 4 I Time Tho people residing In the city are arc ares i s 0 tot kot alone the Lime however as a rei re- re i I orts OTtS ort from the time rural districts arc aie to he effect eret that thu t residents there 3 are arc I 1 having their Oler troubles The Tile many of or snow which foil eli el recently have I lJ mingled with th the and ll Il Is isi i f- f c Diy milly with wih that lint the tho people in Iii inbe tr r. r be te c farming fanning communities are uc-ep- uc 1 V ig 19 the time of ur water away from 1 houses 10 barns and corrals Alli All Al i s 's ver vr time thc country this evening farmers er ere out wi with h lanterns b rubber boots bouts t r i. i nd sh shovels digging trenches to Lo carry ury 1 i le 18 5 wal water away from their premises t v he lie country Ioa roads are aie arf almost I- I L l blo III people r north south Kuth Ld ives of the time city are art unable to tt 1 JT vach ah Ogden except by train rena 1 Madison aV avenue b between nty- nty I- I 1 1 and eighth Twenty box hUH I l heavily from eom the thc swollen cun- cun 1 of or time the 1 I Iton tw JUtI gutters s. corning J loin lal canyon c and antI time the th ou lern y c ha have Vt completely um covered many Z A the tho yards u I in tim that locality and HUm v j tho Ito ret liar hav been compelled a i the Limo first frt stories of or thou their tf vu's and H of tat tt time the tl r labored diligently il m t tv hi e away the alf I hero l 11 jio relief relict in night eni en- en i J I thu rain e eun aw un-I un |