Show INSPECTOR FILES HORTICULTURAL I rURAL REPORT The Thc monthly report of John P P. Sor- Sor enson the the- county horticultural in inspector In- In specter for COI January was wac submitted ted to the tho board of county count commissioners Is as follows In the month of January 1907 In one nursery there thore were were- forty thousand thousand thou- thou sand Rand young trees dipped In strong nicotine solution In another nursery some twenty live thousand young seedlings Imported from flom tho the E Eastern stern states w were re ru fumigated with hydro- hydro Banic gas preparatory to graftIng graftIng graft- graft Ing lug for tOle spring planting There was some Inspection of trees trets that lat were put lUt away In tn winter storage elm stor ng age but there are forty thousand trees in one nursery and anti fifteen thousand thousand thousand thou thou- sand In another that have not miot yet been boen fumigated d' d dor d'or or Inspected I have as directed by the county commissioners ri made mado investigation about the Russian thistle Ue by writing to the government o officials and agricultural agricultural agricultural agri agri- cultural colleges and experiment stations sta eta ud 1 In Colorado Wyoming Nebraska the two Dakota Iowa Minnesota l and Canada for fOl Information and bulletins about this matter maUer and have received I answers answer by letters and bulletins Ate After Af Af- A- A te ter rt reading ding and anti comparing these letten letters let let- tent ten anti and bulletins I van can an report that the thc thistle tlc IK is not likely to tobe tobe tobo be bo very trou troublesome in fields fenced I anti and cultivate but along roadsides L and on uncultivated ground especially especial especial- ly on nit out our open dr dry farms the weed Is IB likely to b become come plentiful and very Injurious A loss los of ot twenty to forty 1 per nor 1 cent of the crop 1 Ilk likely ly where it gets gels n t strong trong hold on dry farm tarm farmland farmland land and should bould be guarded against t either lither b by of a general state law or orby by br local regulations m where needed I C |