Show Of DAVID DAVi THEME ADDRESS OF What Is Man That Thou Art Mindful of S Him V DIGNITY OF HUMAN SOUL Tile Rev Item Ho I P. i A. A Gives GIH s Roto itt Ro- He- He to tu Quest QUe ion i Asked J Imy Ancient Prophet The Tile Rev nev P. P A A. Simpkin preached last night at Phillips Congregational church a n x sermon which voiced The rhe Dignity of oC time the Human SoUl The Time sermon was a response to lo the time Inquiry of or David Jd Da What Is s man that thou art arl mindful o ot of him The Time speaker said sall in iii pa part rt Nothing less than the time biblical reve- reve allon of our relation to God GOtI and ond the thereal thereal thereal real dignity of ot tl the human soul will wil answer all al the time terms of or time the problem w ve we find In the racial life life- le John FIske deliberately closing closinG th the tho door upon the Bibles Bible's leaching as lo to the time orl origin ln of man In pays s 's tribute to Its is accuracy y ne nev nev- In hl his indication of the time hl high h destiny that lies les for Cor his attaining John wih with all al his pettish protest against Limo tho manifest littleness of his generation had hal comprehension deep anti ind ant wide wile enough h of or time the souls soul's value to 0 write as ns a n part of his social creed I 1 believe In th time the nobleness of human nature In the time majesty of or Its Is faculties und and the time jO Joy of or Its Is love An And while h he queried with wih David In the hours of or lim- lim Im- Im Hnton as to Gods COds purpose In being mindful ho Ime was also l o tune one with wih him In asserting time the supreme dignity of that that- life Ifo that for or a a little while Is lower than han the angels V is of nf J fIJI I I would emphasize this essential greatness of the human soul because of or Its Is effect upon the time service we pay imay payo to o I It The sanction of oC the highest truth ruth we wr know no less than the time II Lions lons tons of or the time human soul point to lo the time One reason that Grays Gray's logy elegy la lays s 's hold upon time the human heart heartso so o widely Is because It strikes so clean clean- cleal- cleal Iy v across tho the shallow notion that th the dignity of or tIme the soul is to be measured only by ly that which time the tu great ones of or orthe he time ages hove have registered You remember ber er the time lines Jnes Full Ful many a gem of or purest ra ray l serene sereno reno rh Time Tho dark of oC lark caves ocean b bear ar Full man ninny many a n flower fower Is Js born horn to lo blush unseen AntI And waste Its Is sweetness on omm 01 the time desert air all Some ome village that with dauntless breast V The rhe stood little tyrant trant of his fields felds withstood withstood with with- wIh- wIh Sonic Some ome mute mule inglorious Milton hero lucre ma may rest lest Some Seine Cromwell Cromwel guiltless of oC his country's country's coun coun- try's blood Aye c tho time heritage of or lc lies fouled u bout about time the lowliest soul that lives liveson on n the tIme earth earth of ff Gr And AntI that that greatness Is thO ha basis 18 of ot DIG tue n Is It not nut notto to u i bo Ill CM 1 In iii tb thit ril t of oC ill uhl Hint men ha have hua bill In him the lime l k It I I ta ts In iii that Inner nature with Whim wih 11 i is S poteat nou that ol's mh-ol's hid Clod V VI J I Horace brace or It voiced In a a. message of oC C beau beauty I and power loer the time as of tf he time heart healt of man by ly Its fR norm I 1 Is thai hut but t one fW I h by which w we lan can measure truly trimly Just JURt as af In iii weighing time the souls soul's value ahU b by that stands back aek of oC 11 lifes life's 8 petty pty detail and ml trivial trivia trl lal I es W we e come to toWIe WIe use tin mimi greatness so ii h by the tw very cry try immoral noial ruin of life w we may sense tl time tho of or mans man's po possibilities for fOI good an and nd I divine tI lw t rh The fisherman forgets for rOl gets tl ta ll slime und arid tim the til uncouth hell simell which hoJI holds time beautiful pearl Ml All Al ou t pomp und Hll circumstance he time rags of the time centuries that lint change from floU lorn back to bad back from Crom life to IC life life life- these hese art are nothing Time The shivering wretch who vho shelters In th time the street alcove e alco of the he dark block ma may hide hack back of his rags und beneath his battered hat the would lift thoughts und Impulses that woul Ill ho Limo llo dead Iad tal wel weight ht of or a generation with wih I ts ills Is and bUTlen burdens up toward th thIgh time the I I g hm t. t V I T f I lie Somi Soul oli I. I Few v thing speak the time force of or dl- dl tl- tl within the lime race more elo- elo than limn time persistence upward j i Carlyle In a a. moment of oC cynicism suit said Tho The chief use muse o of the mass muss of ot men I Ito h iii to o make green ui time spot where when nt at I last t they sleep sleep He lie le was mas In error eror It Is true truo ruo that too much of or the divine mag- mag of oC life Is lost 1 by the time men who live Ive lve But It I is increasingly ly true that the lie human soul is expressing Its Is worth and divineness everywhere And when one sC sees the tIme fierce volcanic outbreaks whose lava la a roots fair Hoovers that grow grown in n the tho tiny tny crannies of or their and aul find lind song son and poetry music and wit wi altruism und and sacrifice grow grow- row row- ng ever er e more through h time Iho years In riot and ant Joy the confession of or orthe the time essential nobility of or the soul Is I compelled Perhaps It Is In tho time moral obliquity In tIme the recover recovery that nut there Is written more clearly cearly this su- su sp- sp oreme dignity l lly of or tho the soul soul That which st- st brush and chisel stencil stencH and pen forum olur and agora have set In the tho midst of oC the time age ant Is rich In sug suggestion eston but the tIme conquest conquest con con- quest o of the self life sel-ICo sel In iii li time tho secret of him who came caine to re I reveal LI to man his Jl own soul values Is the time evidence Irrefutable of or mans man's lne dl divine trl origin in and destiny It I Is th time mastery of tho time baser nature nature nature na na- na- na ture with wih Il its IK passion by Ly the time higher with Its God IC life that answers the tho wih question of or David antI and fixes abidingly queston the time high plane piano of or mans Ins being P mIMI and glory And when to all aJ the time evidence e man furnishes In himself ono one adds tho time great out mo out t o of God Gol In him II the time near coming to lo man 1 by hui s mm Jn C Christ tin lt value ulue is sut vt ct hl higher her than Luau ever Is sot ct Time The throne of oC mans man's greatness In iii II Unit love IO of God GoJ In which he ho gave e I himself that there H Jt M lid d i ad added ell to toI I the lie potentialities s s of or the time human soul soul I Time The Ile he real power fower to lo bo 11 hl and ant do And 1 that time the race will wil never conic come to lo Us its Is corona corona- thou lion until that valuation self and und th time th ton Christ power that thal mal makes c It If It possible shall be hp as- as rS' rS widely shunted shared ns as tho time divine race maee life with wih which God Gol has bins dowered the time |